Hello everyone and welcome to CommanderCast Episode 434! This week Mark and Adam hitting the books! Has WotC finally gone too far with the new Learn mechanic or are they about to teach us all a valuable Lesson in card advantage? Then with all this talk of education in the Magical Arts this is the […]

Hello everyone and welcome to CommanderCast Episode 434! This week Mark and Adam hitting the books! Has WotC finally gone too far with the new Learn mechanic or are they about to teach us all a valuable Lesson in card advantage? Then with all this talk of education in the Magical Arts this is the perfect time to talk about one of  Magic’s most educated creature type, Wizards! So today the guys are going over Wizard tribal and some of the best “Wizard Matters” you can get in Commander.


All that, plus our usual interstitial fodder, and all you have to do is Click the IB!!!


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CommanderCast Episode 434

Posted: March 29, 2021








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Are Lessons the final nail in the coffin for the color pie?

…about Lessons in EDH


Per MTG Wiki:


“When learning you may reveal a Lesson card from outside the game and put it into your hand…Lesson cards are marked by the depiction of a scroll in the upper left corner.


If you want, you can also play a Lesson card in your deck, but in that circumstance it can’t be fetched by learning.”


Per Commander’s rules (Play rule #11): 


“Parts of abilities which bring other card(s) you own from outside the game into the game (such as Living Wish; Spawnsire of Ulamog; Karn, the Great Creator) do not function in Commander.”


Interstitial fodder: 

Invincible show impressions
Banana Peel Bacon actually isn’t bad
Sandman audiobook
Falcon & Winter Soldier impressions




Wizards that care about Wizards” Commanders & deck types


Adeliz, the Cinder Wind
Aegar, the Freezing Flame
Azami, Lady of Scrolls
Inalla, Archmage Ritualist
Kaza, Roil Chaser
Naban, Dean of Iteration
Naru Meha, Master Wizard


See also: All the Wiz-Zards!




Wizard tribal tech


Bloodline Necromancer
Docent of Perfection
Galecaster Colossus
Information Dealer
Inspired Sprite
Patron Wizard / Voidmage Prodigy
Riptide Director
Riptide Laboratory
Sage of Fables
Sigil Tracer
Stonybrook Banneret
Supreme Inquisitor
Vedalken Aethermage




CommanderCast  – Email: commandercast(at)gmail(dot)com // twitter: (at)CommanderCast


Calvin – Email: captainredzone(at)gmail(dot)com  // twitter: (at)CaptainRedZone


Mark – Email: mahlerma(at)gmail(dot)com


Adam – (at)squire9999


Be sure to check out our CommanderCast Facebook page. 


And a big thanks to everyone here at the CommanderCast Network. We’ll see you next week with more community, strategy, and technology. Until then, LET’S GET IT!

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