I am excited about this episode as I was able to interview a real comedian. Felipe Torres Medina is a comedy writer for Stephen Colbert on The Late Show. And I was able to talk to him about how to make something funny. Whether you are a professional comedian and looking to get to the next level, or you are an amateur and just trying to give your significant other new material to listen to after 20 years of listening to the same joke, Felipe will give you tips on how to write something funny. Trust me, I took notes.

One of the classes I teach is Comedy in the Court: Using Humor to Persuade. Humor can break down barriers, make you think. If used effectively, humor makes you more persuasive. I recently read about the great Chief Justice John Marshall of the US Supreme Court using humor to get the other justices to side with him on big cases.

Abe Lincoln. Clarence Darrow. Williams Jennings Bryan. All knew how to use humor to persuade. But more importantly, its just fun. We like to laugh, and we like to make others laugh. So if you want to learn more about using humor to make you more persuasive, check out our online classes at www.comedianoflaw.com.

Today, we are going to get a glimpse on how to make something funny. We are going to get inside the mind of a funny man at the top of the comedic ladder, Felipe Torres Medina.

​Felipe Torres Medina is a satirist from a country you misspell. He is a writer for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and his humor writing has been featured in The New Yorker, McSweeney’s, Points In Case, Bustle, BuzzFeed, CollegeHumor, and more.


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