This week, we unpack the craziest cases in law. Michael Constanza sued Jerry Seinfeld claiming that the Character George Constanza was based on him. Yea, don’t put that on your profile. Michael Cohen pleads guilty to something that isn’t even a crime. And Pornhub is sued by a deaf man because under the Americans with Disabilities Act. These cases, plus Mackenzie Smith and I unpack the timeless classic – Legally Blonde, in this week’s Debriefing of The Law.

Top 10 Wacky Cases is one of the continuing legal education courses we offer to lawyers, where I unpack the top ten craziest cases in law. If you are a lawyer and in need of CLE’s please check out this class.

It is available on our website and is offered in on-demand and webinar formats. In this course, we unpack the actual law behind the craze headline cases. Because who knows, maybe one day a person will come to your office who just spilled hot chocolate in his tender areas, and if you took my class, you would know the relevant precedent. Recently, Mackenzie Smith and I talked about our favorite 2-3 craziest cases.

To learn more about about Mackenzie Smith, The Aviator Attorney, click here.

If you are an attorney or in the legal profession and need to complete your annual CLE requirements, visit our siteComedian of Law.

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