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As an undergraduate, Prof. Townsend was only able to be a part of a small research project. At that time only a select number of students were able to participate in research.

Today, Prof. Townsend is championing CURE - Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience in her Department and across CCRI so that an entire class of students can experience research - not just a select few.

Prof. Townsend joins us on our podcast to talk about UG Research at CCRI, CURE, Re-engineering Courses for Research, Evangelizing Research, Research Impact, and Advice for High Schoolers.

In particular, we discuss the following with her: 

Prof. Heather Townsend’s Background
UG Research via CURE at CCRI
Evangelizing UG Research
Advice for High Schoolers

Topics discussed in this episode:

Introducing Prof. Heather Townsend, CCRI []
Hi Fives - Podcast Highlights []
Professional Background []
Importance of UG Research []
UG Research @ CCRI
Re-engineering Courses for Research []
Evangelizing CURE []
Impact of Research on Students []
Career Trajectory []
Pervasive UGR []
Advice for High Schoolers []

Our Guest: Prof. Heather Townsend is a Professor of Biology at Community College of Rhode island. Prof. Townsend received her PhD in Veterinary Medical Science from the University of Florida.

Memorable Quote: “And so for me, personally,  I want a CURE [Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience] on every one of my courses for college, and even just community colleges in general. I try as much as I can to get the word out about these CUREs and how rewarding they are.” Prof. Heather Townsend.

Episode Transcript: Please visit Episode’s Transcript.

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