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While growing up in India, Prateek participated in Model UN. He found that he enjoyed meeting students from other parts of the world, discussing and debating issues. With these experiences, his interest in Journalism grew. He already loved writing, reporting on world issues.

He decided to apply to the US for college, to study journalism.

As it turned out, the University of Cincinnati had something else in mind for him!

Prateek  joins us on our podcast to share his UG Experience as an International Student, Transition to the US, UG Research in Feminist Issues, Majoring in Int’l Affairs, and Advice for high schoolers.  

In particular, we discuss the following with him: 

Overall Experience at U of Cincinnati
Transition to the US and UCincinnati
Majoring in International Affairs
Advice to High Schoolers

Topics discussed in this episode:

Introduction to Prateek Raj, U Cincinnati []
Hi Fives - Podcast Highlights []
Overall UC Experience []
High School Interests []
Why the US? Why U Cincinnati?
Transition to College[]
The Peers []
Doing UG Research []
About Research Paper []
More Research on Feminist Causes []
Capstone []
Majoring in Int’l Affairs []
Women of Sri Lankan Civil War []
Collecting Field Data []
Advice for Int’l High Schoolers []
Memories []

Our Guests: Prateek Raj graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in International Affairs from the University of Cincinnati. Prateek is currently pursuing a PhD in Political Science at the University of Cincinnati.

Memorable Quote: “So I can definitely say that…being open to that, being having a little bit of open mind is really important. Because you meet a lot of new people, you get a new perspective about your own field, your own life, your own experiences as a student in the University. ” Prateek Raj.

Episode Transcript: Please visit Episode’s Transcript.

Similar Episodes: College Experiences


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