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The 2022-23 College Application Season in the books. It is a good time to look back and learn from the experience for the benefit of the next set of high school seniors and parents.

And who better to help us than the College Counselors who guided the current graduating seniors through the college process.

I talked to 6 High School College Counselors from across the US to put together this episode.

Topics discussed in this episode:

Introducing The Takeaways []
The Learnings - Applications, Earlies, Decisions, Financial Aid []
Preparing to Apply Early []
Popular Majors []
Scholarships []
Advice for High School Seniors and Parents []

Our Guests:

Tyler Sant of Atlanta International School
Sean Kennedy of Ravenscroft High School
Bill Hancock of Cranbrook Kingswood Upper School
Colleen Koppes of Dowling Catholic High School
Tom Stepkoski of Westhill High School, and
Shveta Bagade, Counselor.

Memorable Quote: “I think the FAFSA, the opening of the application period being delayed to December[2023] is really a kind of sleeping giant…”, Sean Kennedy of Ravenscroft School.

Episode Transcript: Please visit Episode Transcript.


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