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After her freshman year in high school, Ella did not play a lot of sports to focus on getting good grades and pursuing her college dreams. She did join the Youth and Government club and held various officer positions during the 4 years of High School.

Ella will be a Freshman at North Carolina State University in Fall 2023.

In this Podcast, Ella talks about her High School Experiences, her college search process, Digital SAT, and her advice to college aspirants.

In particular, we discuss the following with her: 

Who is Ella Smith?
High School Interests
College Process
Advice for High Schoolers

Topics discussed in this episode:

Introducing Ella Smith []
Hi Fives - Podcast Highlights []
Who is Ella Smith? []
High School Interests []
Dreams for the Near Future []
College Process []
Senior Year []
College Guidance []
The College Decision []
Digital vs Paper SAT []
College Readiness []
Advice to High Schoolers []

Our Guest: Ella Smith is a recent graduate of Ravenscroft High School in Raleigh, North Carolina. Ella will be a Freshman at NC State in Fall 2023.

Memorable Quote: “So when the digital SAT was on a computer it was basically all self paced, and the time was cut in half, I thought it was amazing. You were out of there before 10am kind of thing.” Ella Smith.

Episode Transcript: Please visit Episode’s Transcript.

Similar Episodes: College Experiences


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