Listten in as Jen Stone describes how to brew step-by-step.  Consistency combined with the proper tools and excellent coffee all combine to make the perfect cup.

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Brew Guide

You’ll Need:

17 grams Ciel fresh coffee beans for each 8 oz. cupChemex or Hario pourover deviceAble kone or Hario filter paper (paper filters will contribute to a lighter-bodied brew)Baratza  Vario W or similar Burr GrinderFresh, filtered or bottled water (no apparent odors or tastes)Hot water makerThermometerScaleTimer


Consult the measurement chart (below) and turn on hot water maker to begin heating ample waterConsult the measurement chart; weigh out the precise amount of coffeeGrind coffee to medium particle size (see settings on Grind page) in the amount needed just prior to brewingIf applicable, pre-wet filter paper with hot water to assist the extraction processPlace ground coffee in the filter and levelSet the pourover device on top of the scale. With the filter and coffee in place, tare the scale to 0Ensuring the water is precisely 199˚F, start the timer and pour the appropriate quantity of water (consult the measurement chart) in a circular motion onto the coffee bed, ensuring that all grounds are wetAfter the initial pour, wait 45 seconds and watch the coffee bloom and de-gas, as the coffee flavors are extractedAs the aromas emerge, consult the scale and every 30 seconds continue to add between 1 and 4 ounces of water depending on your brew volume. Aim to have all water poured in 3 minutes, spread evenly across 7 equal pours, until the proper volume of water has been added. This can be accomplished with careful measurement or a little practiceLet the water drain completely through the coffeeThis process may take a total brew time of up to 3 minutes and 45 secondsAllow the coffee to cool for at least 1 minute before enjoying


1 cup: 17 grams coffee / 8 oz water (1 oz per pour)2 cups: 34 grams coffee / 16 oz water (2 oz per pour)3 cups: 51 grams coffee / 24 oz water (3 oz per pour)4 cups: 68 grams coffee / 32 oz water (4 oz per pour)