Chad Lingafelt chats with Robert Kennedy III, Co-Founder and President of Kennetik Kommunications, author of several books, and speaker.

Robert joins us from Maryland and we talk about how to effectively communicate with confidence whether it’s within your personal relationships or in the workplace.

Robert shares three layers of understanding to effectively communicate:

Layer 1: Most of the time we are fighting for our perspective
Layer 2: Understanding the perspective of another
Layer 3: What is the result that we are after?

We talk about Creating Rules of Engagement in conversation:

What do we want out of this conversation?
What is the assignment?

We also learn that we need to understand what does someone need and what is their language and how we might be entering in with barriers or walls.

Robert talks more about the importance of setting intentionality around communication and discovering issues, things not completed after meetings, and the cause of us not getting things done. He also touches on missed deadlines and how to communicate about it while honoring your word.

This is a great conversation for business owners and leaders that are struggling with communication within their team or personal relationships.

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