Have you ever found yourself stuck in a rut, with your learning? Whether it’s about your career or a new topic, we’re all trapped sometimes. You feel as though you’ve learned the best way to do something without ever considering there could be a better or faster way to achieve the same results. We become so biased! It’s natural to be biased. We are creatures that must survive and oftentimes perfecting our current ways is where our attention should be, right?


But why are we biased? Largely because uncertainty stresses us out. We crave comfort. We crave the way it's always been done. And that's a recipe for disaster when it comes to learning anything new.


So what makes people more likely to adapt to change? How might the environment influence our ability to adapt? And how can we improve our ability to adapt?


In this episode, I want to share a story of Hansel Emmanuel, a young basketball player who, at a young age, experienced a fatal accident. But did this stop him from learning and pursuing his dream? No. He simply learned to adapt to the change in his life.




[01:55] Hansel's fatal childhood accident and how he’s able to adapt in this change [02:43] Pursuing his dream to be a basketball player despite physical disability [05:22] What exactly is mental flexibility [06:29] Recent research study on adaptation: monkeys vs. human [08:37] Why are we biased? [10:14] How to improve your mental flexibility and adaptability [10:45] The secret to mental toughness [13:16] The importance of  mindfulness meditation


Resources Mentioned:


HigherEchelon, Inc.