John Harling, the pastor of Hanover Fellowship Church in Hanover Pennsylvania, is our guest. John is married to his wife, Peggy, and they have two sons. 

John is a graduate of Liberty University with a Masters of Divinity. He is also an author. His book is titled Grounded for Growth.  

In this interview, John shares his personal battle with pornography. John will tell his story and give you some practical ways to defeat the power of porn.

Interview Timeline

Caught with porn - 13:12

Pornography Stats - 15:30

John's first exposure - 18:10

How pornography impacts the mind - 19:40

Deliverance from sexual sin - 26:11

AAA Policy - 26:54

Abstain - 27:12 Affirmation - 30:57 Accountability - 35:30

Covenant Eyes - 40:27 

  Contact Info

Feel free to contact John with your questions. His email is:[email protected]


Care for Pastors -

Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering -

Grounded for Growth Leaders Guide by John Harling

Grounded for Growth Student Workbook by John Harling

Here are two books I use to counsel men addicted to pornography. The book by Tim Challies is very helpful to use with men who are not strong readers. The book by Heath Lambert and Joshua Harris is also a great book, especially for the counselor.

Sexual Detox: A Guide for Guys Who Are Sick of Porn, by Tim Challies

Finally Free: Fighting for Purity With the Power of Grace, by Heath Lambert and Joshua Harris

It is important that we minister with sensitivity to the those who struggle with pornography and other sexual issues. A book that may help you do so is by Dr. Sam Serio titled Sensitive Preaching to the Sexually Hurting. I am reading it now and it has been helpful.

Finally, approximately 25% of Christian women are addicted to porn, but they rarely seek help. Also, most pastors are ill-equipped to counsel women on this subject. Crystal Renaud has written a book that can help. It titled Dirty Girls Come Clean. The book is written for the woman struggling with porn. Ms. Renaud also has a ministry. The website

Ms. Renaud also has a ministry that provides women with help, hope, and healing from pornography and sexual addiction. The website is

Accountability Questions

Chuck Colson, in his book The Body, lists the questions used by Charles Swindoll.

Have you been with a woman anywhere this past week that might be seen as compromising? Have any of your financial dealings lacked integrity? Have you exposed yourself to any sexually explicit material? Have you spent adequate time in Bible study and prayer? Have you given priority time to your family? Have you fulfilled the mandates of your calling? Have you just lied to me? Closing Thoughts

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