Roundup Episodes and Questions

Over the next year, I will be recording new episodes. And I would love to interview you! These interviews will take place over the phone, Skype, or Facebook. An interview will last 10-15 minutes and be focused on one topic. Below are the topics and the three questions you will be asked.

If you would like to participate, then review the Roundups and then email me the Roundup numbers you are able to answer. I will follow up and schedule the interview.

Some of you may want to answer a question but not be interviewed. You can do that too. Just click our Speakpipe icon at the top of this page or go to You will have 90 seconds to answer. I will include the best answers in an episode.

Thanks for your help and I look forward to talking with you.

• How do you help and counsel people struggling with pornography?
• How do you protect yourself from this temptation?
• What are some books, curriculum, or other resources that help in this area? Roundup
• How do you counsel someone through a divorce?
• How does your church specifically minister to divorcees?
• What are some books, curriculum, or other resources that can help with this? Roundup
• Why do you think the church is unappealing to men?
• What have you done to attract, train, and keep men in church?
• What are some books, curriculum, or other resources that minister to men? Roundup
• What has your church done to reach the unsaved in your community?
• How do you train your congregation to do personal evangelism?
• What are some books, curriculum, or other resources for evangelism training or methodology? Roundup
• How do you minister to someone who is dying?
• How do you console the family when a loved one dies?
• What are some books or other resources you would give to the dying or the grieved? Roundup
• What are the last three books you have read that would help a pastor?
• What has been the most helpful book, course, or video you have read, attended or watched and why? Roundup
• How do you plan the ministry year?
• How do you map out your preaching calendar?
• What are some books, or other resources that would help a pastor develop as a manager? Roundup
• How do you confront sin in church member?
• How do you confront a church leader who is not performing up to the expected standard?
• What are some books or other resources that would help a pastor develop as a leader? Roundup
• What are your steps of discipleship?
• How does your church specifically disciple or develop a new believer?
• What are some books or other resources that would help a pastor to disciple? Roundup
• How do you deal with an elder, deacon, or another leader who is opposed to your leadership?
• How do you dismiss or fire a leader?
• What are some books or resources that would help a pastor become a stronger leader? Roundup
• How do you maintain your spiritual vitality?
• How do you separate your daily devotions/personal Bible reading from your preaching?
• What are some books or resources that would help a pastor grow spiritually? Roundup
• How do you replant an existing church? Or how do you transition a church?
• What are some things that must change periodically in a church to keep it viable?
• What are some books or other resources that would help a pastor transition an existing church? Roundup
• How do you know when it is time to leave a church?
• How do you evaluate your effectiveness or impact in a ministry?
• What are some books or resources that would help a pastor in this area?