Andy Earl has been a church planter, a pastor, and an evangelist. He has had the privilege of planting two English speaking churches in Germany.

But in recent years Andy has suffered a heartache. Sometimes, when people suffer, they pull away from God, even to the point where they no longer serve Him. But not Andy. Andy has used this heartache to create a new ministry. Out of the ashes of heartache arises an opportunity to serve Jesus.

What happened to Andy? What was this heartache? Andy and his wife Tina divorced. Divorce is a common occurrence among our church members, but it is rare when those in ministry divorce.

In today's episode, Andy will share his divorce story. He will share how it impacted him personally and how it impacted his ministry. Andy will also share some of the resources that helped him work through this sad situation.
Finally, Andy will share the new ministry that he is starting. Broken Hearts Ministry will provide counsel to those suffering a similar heartache.


Andy recommended two resources for those going through a divorce.

Divorce Care at When "I Do" Becomes "I Don't": Practical Helps for Healing During Separation & Divorce by Laura Petherbridge Contact Info

Please contact Andy with any questions you may have. If you are a pastor of a church in Germany, Andy is available to you and your congregation. You can email him at [email protected]

Closing Thoughts

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