What does it mean to be close to someone? Ofosu and Leah talk with neuroscientist Alie Caldwell to answer this question and learn how our close relationships actually change our brain chemistry. They also discuss how we can use this knowledge to help strengthen our relationships and navigate conflicts.

You can watch the latest episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/ooprTTa5cL4

More about Alie: Alie Caldwell, PhD, is a neuroscientist, the Resident Neuroscience Expert for the award-winning brain training app Elevate (www.elevateapp.com), and the co-creator of Neurotransmissions, a successful YouTube channel. You can learn more about her work here —


— and order her book here:


About Balance: Well Balanced is co-hosted by Ofosu and Leah, Balance’s Co-Heads of Meditation. Balance is a highly personalized meditation and sleep app that's been named Google's App of the Year and Apple's App of the Day. Completely free for the entire first year, Balance is helping 3.5 million+ people around the world improve their stress, sleep, focus, and mood. Unlock your free year of Balance today by downloading it from the App Store or Play Store:
