If James Murray was from the US, he would epitomise the American dream. He’s British however, which makes his rise to success even more remarkable. The UK culture isn’t steeped in entrepreneurialism and risk-taking and was even less so in the 1990s when James was starting out. 

Dyslexic, he left school with few qualifications and moved to London to find work whilst his counterparts went off to university. After failing as a delivery driver, he found his feet as a telecoms salesmen and then set up Alternative Networks with a friend in 1994. They each invested £5,000 in the new venture. 22 years later, they sold for £184,000,000.

James now mentors young entrepreneurs. Here’s his story …

If James Murray was from the US, he would epitomise the American dream. He’s British however, which makes his rise to success even more remarkable. The UK culture isn’t steeped in entrepreneurialism and risk-taking and was even less so in the 1990s when James was starting out. 

Dyslexic, he left school with few qualifications and moved to London to find work whilst his counterparts went off to university. After failing as a delivery driver, he found his feet as a telecoms salesmen and then set up Alternative Networks with a friend in 1994. They each invested £5,000 in the new venture. 22 years later, they sold for £184,000,000.

James now mentors young entrepreneurs. Here’s his story.

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