Dr. Brian Klaas is an Assistant Professor in Global Politics at University College London. He’s also a columnist for The Washington Post, an author and regulator media contributor - usually on the subject of Donald Trump’s presidency.

Apart from US politics and democracy, he specialises in authoritarian leadership and he brings those topics together in a series of books including "The Despot's Apprentice: Donald Trump's Attack on Democracy" and ’How to Rig an Election."

He first gained public attention on Twitter for his posts that aim to debunk what he sees as false statements made by the president.

Here to talks to Max about the good, the bad and the ugly of politics, social media and the dictators and terrorists he’s spent time with.

Fear is something he both studies and is driven by:

Dr. Brian Klaas is an Assistant Professor in Global Politics at University College London. He’s also a columnist for The Washington Post, an author and regulator media contributor - usually on the subject of Donald Trump’s presidency.

Apart from US politics and democracy, he specialises in authoritarian leadership and he brings those topics together in a series of books including "The Despot's Apprentice: Donald Trump's Attack on Democracy" and ’How to Rig an Election."

He first gained public attention on Twitter for his posts that aim to debunk what he sees as false statements made by the President.

Here he talks to Max about the good, the bad and the ugly of politics, social media and the dictators and terrorists he’s spent time with.

Fear is something he both studies and is driven by.

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