Welcome to today's Cloud Based Real Estate Brokerage TOPOS & TALK #39- I have so many things going through my head every day about Real Estate that I just want to get it all out. I get asked so many questions about real estate every day. And, coach so many agents that it's time to answer all of those in depth questions while I sip on my Topo Chico.

In today’s episode I do a deep dive into We are One Decision Away From a Whole Different Life. I was dead tired after hitting the road and I am 5 and half more hours to reach my destination. I was very tired and just thought of taking a rest on a hotel. It was a fantastic hotel, and I have a lot of realizations while staying. This comes up while having my breakfast and observe people around me. Here's two old guys that is focusing on what they're doing. They're talking about the land they own, their developments, and you could tell that they probably bought this land a long time ago, probably struck some gold with it, and they were super happy. They were just doing life, and that's right there. And it's like they're owning everything, taking ownership and their own things. It's kind of like what JoJo and McCoy says extreme ownership and yourself. It's because you're the only person that can control whatever you do, and it made me think like we are all one decision away from a completely different life 100%. We're all one decision away because that one decision will lead to more bad decisions however there's a flip side to that coin, which is where you can make good decisions that lead to good things. Unfortunately, it's a lot easier to create a catastrophe than it is to build an empire. This is why people take the easy way out all the time is because they don't want to put the work, the time and the energy. If it was all easy then everybody would be doing it. That's why you get paid more for doing things that are harder or less. 

But it's really important to understand that every single day that we get up we all gonna make a decision . Like right now I have that I was tired of living in Arizona waiting for my ship to arrive in Idaho. And I'm out of here. I'm just going. I literally packed up my stuff, got my car and left. I made a decision because that's what I wanted to do, and that's what made me feel so much better once I got on the road too. And it's like I love Arizona. But in the summertime, it's so hot and there's lot of things I love, and there's some things I don't love. And living in a big city like Phoenix is that it's very fragmented. Everybody like their own little sector of the city, and to me, that's so bizarre. Overcome objectives when they're putting in your way so we all got choices to make. We can either dwell on them, or we can you know, put forth a great attitude and make real changes and do the right things.

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