Welcome to today's Cloud Based Real Estate Brokerage TOPOS & TALK #38 - I have so many things going through my head every day about Real Estate that I just want to get it all out. I get asked so many questions about real estate every day. And, coach so many agents that it's time to answer all of those in depth questions while I sip on my Topo Chico.

In today’s episode I do a deep dive into Replying to a New Agent Email. I got this question from one of my listener here in Podcast. I need to share because it really stems up and brings up a lot of insights into the world of real estate. If you're a veteran real estate agent, how can you accelerate your growth and become a millionaire real estate agent? Well, there's no proof out there that this exists. So you have to take it with a grain of salt. It's just my own theory and philosophy after working with so many different people and interviewing multiple different coaching programs and working with multiple different brokerage. Here's a share of the email I received: "hey Jesse, I'm a brand new real estate agent. I'm six months from getting my license. I'm going to be joining Exp Realty and my the person I'm going to be joining with is a local mentor, an agent that's going to be a local mentor to me. And. I don't have any experience with social media marketing. And I have no social influence, so the agent that's going to help me is gonna be able to help me generate, you know, my real estate sales and help me with all that stuff. He's brand new too and Umm. But when it comes to social media influence, you know we're both new to the game, so how can you help like? Is there anything that you can give me some advice?"

Everybody's out on the hustle everybody's out on the grain at eXp. When you join Exp you have to list a sponsor. And that sponsor is the person that you listed is the influence. You come to the brokerage and they get a piece of every agents Commission. So eXp retains 50% of the company dollar and they get 50% back to the agent that you know influence you to come over and the agent that was influenced by all the way up 7 levels. So Exp is actually broken up into two models so they have the revenue share and then also when you're brand new you're assigned to a local mentor. Two different things sponsors different than the mentor. The sponsor is the person that most influence you to come over, and then the sponsor is somebody that's assigned to you or the mentor is assigned to you. I get a lot of agents that call me,agents that call my business partner. And it's and we provide a ton of value. We help our agents grow and expand, and the reason why we do that is because we want our agents to grow an expense. We make more money from revenue share because we don't our we know the power of revenue share it's. It's crazy how it can be life changing and I'm not talking my revenue share. My organization is the number one organization at Exp, and there's a reason why, but we all will pick up the phone at a moment's notice. And this is why my last episode I was talking about. Why we're building a course in a program because we want to have a platform where we can have our agents just plug right in and get everything that they need zero to 500,000 in their first, you know 12 month. My piece of advice is, make sure you're aligned with the right people, know that there's is going to have a hard work, the energy, the efforts, focus where you know the focuses are need to be and use the platforms that really like present and offer results because a lot of agents out there will tell you to be on this platform, and it's like cool. How much how much more business are you generating off of it and and how much business are you generating off organically? 

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