Carolyn Colleen’s early life was a difficult one and, unfortunately, all too common in America today. Sexually assaulted by a neighbor at the age of 4, daughter of an untreated mentally ill mother and hoarder, and growing up in a fluctuating environment, most would say the statistics are against a healthy mind and life for Carolyn. Instead of accepting her fate and becoming a victim, she overcame her difficulties by figuring out how to use her emotions as fuel to push herself in a positive direction. She developed resilience. She is paying it forward by helping others do the same, 5 minutes at a time, with her book, F.I.E.R.C.E. Transform Your Life in the Face of Adversity 5 Minutes at a Time.

Carolyn Colleen is a proud mom, corporate leader, and life and business strategist. She also reads books, travels, and schedules in time with her friends and her mastermind brothers and sisters because she’s committed to her growth and development.

“What can you look back on, things that may have happened to you, and how can you create it, or pull something from it, that happened for you.”

“I identify that it’s actually happening and then I get to choose how I react to it.”

“So, I’ve learned that in 5 minutes you can just about do anything you don’t want to do or you’re avoiding doing.”

In this episode, you will hear:

- Carolyn’s difficult early life experiences and how she uses those to fuel her to move forward in a positive direction and develop resilience

- Her F.I.E.R.C.E process that transforms lives in just 5 minute increments

- Carolyn guiding me through her F.I.E.R.C.E. process with a challenge of my own

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Other resources and links mentioned in this episode:

Visit Carolyn’s website and get the free download of her FIERCE Action Guide:

Purchase her book:  F.I.E.R.C.E. Transform Your Life in the Face of Adversity 5 Minutes at a Time