Have you ever wished you could do what you love for a living?  Today’s guest has done just that. Marianne Frantz joins the show to tell her story of how she discovered and developed her passion and was able to create a successful career out of it.  She provides us with great insight and tips on how we can make choices in our lives that will lead to happiness and success. She is certain to inspire you and give you pause to think about the choices you are making in your life. 

Marianne grew up with a love for theater but was influenced to attain a teaching degree for more job security.  She tried teaching but quickly realized that it was not the right fit. She made some pivots and ended up working for American Express producing wine events.  She found her passion that intersected her love of theater and teaching when she was in Bordeaux, France, listening to the head of a Chateau teach about wine. She knew she wanted to make people feel the same way she felt that moment.  She went back to school to get her diploma and many other qualifications to become a sommelier and a certified wine educator in a male dominated industry- only 12% are female. In 2001, she founded the American Wine School which provides classes, educational events, and tastings.  Marianne made some hard choices to find what she loved and turn that into a successful business and career.

"All I knew was it was time to, as you say make a pivot, right, it was time for me to make a change and I realized life wasn’t going to just fall in my lap.  I had to sort of go find it.”

“And sometimes there’s hard choices that have to be made and sometimes, it’s not black and white and in front of you.  And you might stumble a couple of times, but, especially running your own business, without stumbling a couple of times, you’re probably not doing the best you can do if you don’t fail a couple of times- because boy, you learn quick.” 

“I think understanding what makes you happy and understanding how to get there- and it’s gonna be kind of a struggle and there are going to be pivots and choices to be made-  but it sure beats letting life happen to you.”

In this episode, you will hear:

- How Marianne made many changes and pivots to find her passion and her career

- How to make choices based on what makes you happy

- Her practical process for making significant decisions and choices

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If you have a guest idea or want to connect with me, please visit my website www.clearchoices.live or find me on Facebook at here. I am also available for speaking engagements.

Other resources and links mentioned in this episode:
American Wine School http://americanwineschool.com/