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Killer Breasts Book: KillerBreastsBook.com

Explant Solution: Overcomingbreastimplantillness.com



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In today’s Cleanse Heal Ignite episode with Dr Diane Kazer, Warrior Wednesdays to help you become your own best defender! Prepare to be INpowere’ed and INspired.


We’re going to talk about the top solution you MUST have to combat food shortages, inflation and fake food BS so you don’t have to ‘eat the bugs and be happy’.  Without healthy food, powered by God, you will lack the nutrition and foundational elements to let that S.H.I.T. (stress, hormone imbalance, infections and toxicity) go…so you can restore unhealthy organs, heal from trauma, produce hormones you need, kill bad bugs, repair the brain, and more!  



*MANuFACTured food shortages to the tune of millions of animals and hundreds of manufacturing plants are designed to limit ‘real foods’ so we will be forced to ‘eat zee bugs and FrankenMeats (thanks Bill Gates) - to CREATE dis-ease and death

* Less than 1 percent of imported foods are physically inspected by the FDA, increasing E. coli, salmonella, or listeria outbreaks.

* Inflation rates for food is the highest in history climbing to double digits YTD, in the past year AND 3 year markers

Most of the store bought produce is LOADED with toxins - for Ex - Strawberries may contain as many as 45 pesticide residues

* Apeel is becoming increasingly popular as a ‘produce preservative’ slathered over the top of fruits and veggies, mimicking plastic…there have been NO safety studies on this (and you guessed it - funded by Bill Gates of Hell)

* Spinach can lose 90% of its vitamin C content within 24 hours of harvest, and 50 percent of its folate and carotenoids within a week. By the time it’s purchased in the grocery store, it’s often more than a week old

My top favorite solution expert to these scary stats, Troy Albright joins us for some truth drops on:

* Grocery Store Lockouts (unless you obey)….and what this could mean for you and your loved ones.

* The MANY benefits of growing your own food at home and how you can do in just minutes per week (without the harsh downfalls of old school gardening)

* The toxic truth about buying grocery store foods and MUST KNOW (lack of) regulation on cancer causing pesticides, herbicides, insecticides in transit between state and country lines

* Nutritional gaps on home grown vs store bought produce (and hence how much money you waste on ‘near dead produce’)

* The top 5+ reasons you need to focus on Food Sovereignty and Eating Fresh now!

* How, what, where and all the details for how to get started and throw your intimidation and procrastination out the door.  


We will specifically focus on the most urgent and imperative action steps Dr Kazer advises ALL Americans and all humans to work on a Total Body Transformation approach to Cleanse your Body, Heal the Root Cause and Ignite your Sovereignty from symptoms, sickness and suffering. 


Tune in LIVE Wednesday August 2, at 10am PT on Dr Kazer’s Channel on CloutHub, Twitter or Rumble


See you there?