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Killer Breasts Book: KillerBreastsBook.com

Explant Solution: Overcomingbreastimplantillness.com




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In today’s Cleanse Heal Ignite episode with Dr Diane Kazer, Warrior Wednesdays to help you become your own best defender! Prepare to be INpowere’ed and INspired.

We’re going to talk about sleep, rest and moving the body from fear to faith, nervous system disregulation to recovery and relaxation…the ONLY place your body will feel safe to let that S.H.I.T. (stress, hormone imbalance, infections and toxicity) go, restore unhealthy organs, heal from trauma, produce hormones you need, kill bad bugs, repair the brain, and more!  



* About 70 million people in the U.S. struggle with sleep disorders.

* 30% of U.S adults experience insomnia, and one in ten experience chronic insomnia.

* About 50% of insomnia cases result from anxiety, depression, or psychological stress.

* People with insomnia have an increased risk of health complications, including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and obesity.

* Sleep deprivation increases your risk of obesity, of which over 75% of the USA is obese or overweight 

* China is the most “sleep-medicated” country in the world. (5Gee I wonder why?)


John Baxter returns to the CHI Show on Warrior Wednesdays for some truth drops on:


* Tesla Technologies that have the power to Heal that have been Hidden from us For Centuries

* MedBed Devices they don’t want you know about & how they Ignite your Immunity fast!

* EMF Protection while you sleep & why it’s so important for not only your Health but your Survival!

* What is FAR Infrared and how can these frequencies help with their threats to ‘Block out the Sun’ (aka natural light therapy)

* Can these technologies make Modern Medicine & the Hospital HealthCults obsolete? (And hence knock out our codependence on pills, procedures and petroleum based protocols?)


We will specifically focus on the most urgent and imperative action steps Dr Kazer advises ALL Americans and all humans to work on a Total Body Transformation approach to Cleanse your Body, Heal the Root Cause and Ignite your Sovereignty from symptoms, sickness and suffering. 


Tune in LIVE Wednesday July 26, at 10am PT on Dr Kazer’s Channel on CloutHub, Twitter or Rumble


LINK TO JOIN:  https://clouthub.com/c/CleanseHealignite


See you there?


Relevant Episode  Resources:


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