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In today’s Cleanse Heal Ignite episode with Diane Kazer, Warrior Wednesdays to help you become your own best defender! Prepare to be INpowere’ed and INspired.  

I am joined by Rex of The Freedom People to dive into Advanced Wealth Preservation & Building Strategies, such as: Express Trusts, Private Membership Associations, Status Correction

I am often asked: “Are these financial instruments for everyone?” Learn the answer in this conscious conversation about how ‘secret societies’ are structured and why you’ll probably be triggered that you didn’t learn about this sooner….

You will be gifted a glimpse into the financial freedom world and (non)slavery system I envision for us all to have access to. 


Citizen = Slave. How did we get here, how to get out and what happens if you don’t Why taxes are ‘voluntary’ and how to avoid them, so you can fund your dreams instead Learn the loopholes the Elite use to preserve their wealth and build their empire

THIS IS FOR YOU IF any of these statements resonate with you

My children should be able to receive their inheritance without paying an arm and leg in taxes. As a human being, my existence includes more than working and paying taxes. Business owners should be able to run their business as they’d like to, just as customers should be able to patronize the businesses they’d like to. Taxes are unjust if the government ceases to represent the interests of its people. A person should be able to live as they want to, so long as it doesn’t harm anyone else. How a family operates is the business of that family, and our morality is something we learn at home, not from the government.


Tune in LIVE Wednesdays at 10am PT on Dr Kazer’s Channel on CloutHub, Twitter or Rumble