Learn More about & Contact Dr Garcia @ www.wellbeingtherapyclinic.com (tell them Dr Kazer sent you)

Dr Diane Kazer's website: www.DianeKazer.com

Join Our VIP Mastermind Group for LIVE Weekly 1 on 1 Support - www.dianekazer.com/vip

Shop Dr Diane Kazer's FAV Health Hacks, Supplements & Detox Stacks - www.DianeKazer.com/Shop

Warrior Cleanse Program: www.Thewarriorcleanse.com

Full Moon Parasite Cleanse: www.FullMoonParasiteCleanse.com

Diane's 1 on 1 Detox & Heal Partnerships with Clients & Holistic Health Coach Certification:www.WarriorDetox.com

Killer Breasts Book:www.KillerBreastsBook.com

Explant Solution: www.Overcomingbreastimplantillness.com


WE WILL COVER some of the most common questions and topics we are seeing from our patients including life changing health solutions such as:

Immunity Boosting solutions especially with the rise in antibiotic use + toxic & pathogenic prevalence. 

How he ‘treats’ cancer here at the clinic as an alternative to toxic & body harming chemo & radiation.

Stem Cell fraud & what you need to know before you commit to treatment 

How we do IV’s and why?