Your Environment Shapes & Molds YOU ft. Arthur Hall

This episode of Clay's Cortex is a reflection of how what you allow into your life can change and shape you. We have all heard this, "be careful with the company you keep."  

What they are saying in this is to be careful with the people you surround yourself with and allow to impact your life. This is because the people you allow yourself to learn from and look up to can shape and mold you consciously or unconsciously.  

In this episode Arthur and Curtis will talk about how friends, family, and mentors have helped shape them. This is because your friends, family, and mentors shape the environment that you are in.  

We hope that this episode will help to give you some insight into how you can choose who you want in YOUR environment so that you can understand how to place yourself in a environment to flourish and grow. Because we all know that it is hard for a flower to survive in the desert.  

So make sure to me mindful of the environment (people/ experiences) you place yourself in.  

Enjoy the episode.    

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