If you look at your life from an objective perspective, can you see how you learned things?   Were the lessons that seemed most important to you ones you learned in a formal class? Or did they just kind of show up for you in a "random" way?
Today I share some ahas I've had recently after a couple of enlightening conversations with friends. I touch on the topic of money, playing an infinite game, agreements we've made about "rules."    What causes you to wake up to new awarenesses?  

If you look at your life from an objective perspective, can you see how you learned things?   Were the lessons that seemed most important to you ones you learned in a formal class? Or did they just kind of show up for you in a "random" way? Today I share some ahas I've had recently after a couple of enlightening conversations with friends. I touch on the topic of money, playing an infinite game, agreements we've made about "rules."    What causes you to wake up to new awarenesses?