Previous Episode: Into The Deep
Next Episode: We Are The Ones

In this podcast we take a look at a story in the Bible found in Matthew 14:22-33. 

In the middle of whatever storm we are going through in life, we can be encouraged that because of Jesus, we can take heart and not be afraid.

Its funny because we think that sometimes we can do it alone, that we can make it through the chaos and the storms in our life alone, that if we just try hard enough that we will be ok. But you see our greatest challenge is not trying harder, striving for more, our greatest challenge is not our discipline, are devotion are focus!! Our greatest challenge is believing the Gospel and keeping our eyes on JESUS!!!! Could it be that theres a God with a love so scandalous so deep so wide! So vast so high so welcoming and so inclusive! That he looks at each one of us! And all he asks in the middle of whatever chaos and storm and sin we are caught up in He SAYS “COME!!” Just as you are!! I’ve got you!! If our eyes are fixed on Jesus than no matter what comes our way! No matter how big or small the storms in our life are, they cannot overtake us!! Because we know the one who calms the storm!!