Lazlo has agreed to pay off Slim’s house. Sort of. AMC TO THE MOON!! *What started as a conversation about surviving in the woods turned into a debate about Jeriney’s fire-starting skills. *Doomscrolling!! A gas station owner gave away $1 million, an Instagrmer fought spider monkeys for likes, the ashes of a man’s late daughter tested positive for drugs, an anti-gun politician allegedly had some illegal guns in her house, a kid finds $5k under the floor mats of his dad’s car, chocolate covered cicadas, and Casey Anthony is in the news. *Can Slimfast wear a TLC (the band) shirt? Here are the ages you should start retiring certain things like that. *Julia is a Zillenial. *No cheating! Grab your phone and tell us the last song you listened to. *MGK and Megan Fox. One has a black tongue, the other has hammer thumbs. *Are you evil? Take this quiz we found on grandma’s Facebook. *That’s all for today! Hope you had half as much fun listening as we did jaw-jacking. -Everybody Want Chung!!

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Lazlo has agreed to pay off Slim’s house. Sort of. AMC TO THE MOON!! *What started as a conversation about surviving in the woods turned into a debate about Jeriney’s fire-starting skills. *Doomscrolling!! A gas station owner gave away $1 million, an Instagrmer fought spider monkeys for likes, the ashes of a man’s late daughter tested positive for drugs, an anti-gun politician allegedly had some illegal guns in her house, a kid finds $5k under the floor mats of his dad’s car, chocolate covered cicadas, and Casey Anthony is in the news. *Can Slimfast wear a TLC (the band) shirt? Here are the ages you should start retiring certain things like that. *Julia is a Zillenial. *No cheating! Grab your phone and tell us the last song you listened to. *MGK and Megan Fox. One has a black tongue, the other has hammer thumbs. *Are you evil? Take this quiz we found on grandma’s Facebook. *That’s all for today! Hope you had half as much fun listening as we did jaw-jacking. -Everybody Want Chung!!

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