On Episode 211, Christopher Lochhead got on with Praxis students for an up close and personal Q&A session. Today, the second part of this conversation continues, teeming with business stories and learnings that ultimately culminated in realizing the importance of niching down.
“Nobody makes it alone. Other people make you successful.” - Christopher Lochhead to Praxis students

Three Things We Learned
‘Extraordinary’ isn’t for everyone
Most people want to become legends in their own right, and some of them equate this to being extraordinary. The thing is, some people don’t necessarily want to be extraordinary as long as their business is profitable. The pitfall of this line of thinking, however, is that category violence happens all the time and so paying attention to everything is a must.
Cultivating relationships is key to success
It has been an ongoing experience in Christopher’s life how much other people make him successful. In a community where everyone strives to differentiate themselves through the careers they want to launch, finding someone to resonate with is a blessing. This results in a collective spirit of wanting your contemporaries to do extremely well alongside you.
To extend a hand is powerful
You don’t have to help everybody within a five-foot radius of you. But it’s always a powerful thing to extend a hand to somebody else. When we go out of our way to contribute our strengths that are someone else’s weaknesses, we create something powerful.

Christopher gets asked around a lot why he’s friends with so many CEOs. The truth of the matter is that when he first met them, they weren’t the successful people that they are now, but people who were on the verge with him. With the inspiration brought by his peers, he was able to rise up and take his game up several notches to become his present self.


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We hope you enjoyed this second installment of Legends and Losers Q&A episode with Praxis students! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and subscribe on iTunes!