How do you become a media-savvy business leader in a world where no communication is internal anymore? CEO of Outcast and legendary tech PR leader Alex Constantinople shares with us the story of her career and what leaders need to know about the modern media landscape.
“At the end of the day, it is also what other things should we be doing to get our story out.” - Alex Constantinople

Three Things We Learned
Representing somebody entails not only knowing them
At 22, Alex found herself as the PR representative of Larry King, one of the most high-profile people in the world. She did extremely well on her first job and has learned a lot through her two-year stint. To represent somebody means more than knowing what they’re about; you need to have a deep respect for who they are and what they do.
Acting like a corporate executive is exhausting
Her skills and confidence in communications contributed a lot to her eventual success working with Larry King and at NBC. But when Alex moved to corporate life and had to take on the image of a corporate professional, she found it extremely exhausting. Ultimately, being real remains the easiest and fastest way to go and build a career.
Business leaders can’t rely solely on media anymore
It is one thing to build a story that you can own and present to your customers. The next step is to determine how to present this story so customers can find them where they need to see them. But telling your story through the media is no longer the sole channel for this purpose.

The media landscape has changed over the course of history. The techniques through which businesses can tell their stories have also evolved. Only those who realize the limitations that come with relying solely on media can actually attain success and progress in this tech-driven world.





We hope you enjoyed Alex Constantinople on this episode of Legends and Losers! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and subscribe on iTunes!