You’ve set your goals. You’ve cast a dream and vision. You even know how your personality impacts the goals you set. But how do you actually go about implementing all you’ve planned? Oftentimes, we’re great at dreaming, but not so great at actually executing what we’ve set out to do. If you’re ready to  get to work on your goals, this episode is for you.

In this episode, Holly and I talk about what holds us back from accomplishing our goals, why habits are essential for leaders, and how to create habits. You’ll find the one key you need to implement the goals you’ve set.

To access the complete show notes for this episode, click here.

Why Habits are Essential for Leaders Habits eliminate decisions. As a leader, you make thousands of decisions a day. Putting some tasks on autopilot frees you up to make big-picture decisions. Habits inspire others. People are watching you. They are seeing you showing up day after day, week after week. Having consistent habits and routines as a leader will inspire your team and give them encouragement that they can do the same. o how to set goals for the next 90 days and breaks the year into four 12-week sections.


How Habits are Created

Holly explains how habits are created based on the book The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg*:

Notice your cue. For example, your cue may be that you’re bored and tired everyday at 3 p.m.   Develop a routine. Your old routine may have been a snack, but your new routine is to get up from your desk and take a walk. Establish a reward. Your new reward is feeling energized after the walk. Believe the new habit will work. Belief is critical and so is having a support system. Have a co-worker encourages you to take that walk each day at 3 p.m. Strategies to Implement New Habits

I share some keys to implementing habits from two books I read, Atomic Habits* and Better than Before*:

Remember that daily habits create your future. One way to change your habit is to change how you view yourself (your identity). Consider WHO you want to be rather than WHAT you want to accomplish. Schedule time in for your habit. Stack your habits by taking one habit you already have and adding another habit to it. Get clear on exactly what habit you are working on and exactly how you are going to implement it. Clarity is essential to creating new habits.

Read my blog post with 5 steps to creating new habits here.

  Episode Sponsor: Confident Leader Club Today’s show is brought to you by the Confident Leader Club. If you’re a Christian woman leading in ministry or business, and you have a desire for deeper community with other leaders, accountability towards reaching your goals, access to ALL the downloads I’ve created, monthly bonus content including workshops and trainings on specific topics, and much more, I want to invite you to check it out. Visit to learn more.


Other Episodes Mentioned: Episode 6: The Importance of Leading with Confidence Episode 24: What You Should Do Before the New Year Begins Episode 26: The Importance of Dreaming and Casting a Vision for the Future Episode 28: Three Practical Approaches to Goal Setting Episode 30: How Your Personality Impacts How You Set and Accomplish Goals


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