Have you ever wondered why you set goals differently from others around you? Why is it that some leaders naturally set specific and measurable goals while others seem more relaxed and don’t set goals at all?  How you set goals and how you feel about them is intricately woven into how God wired you.

This episode is all about accepting how you were created so that you can have a year of impact.

For the full shows notes for this episode, go to estherlittlefield.com/episode30

While Jill and I talk specifically through the lens of the Enneagram, there are other personality resources available:

Meyers-Briggs The Four Tendencies

If you’d like more information about the Enneagram, listen to Episode 17 with Beth McCord.

Type 1 - The Perfectionist or Reformer - loves goal setting and has about 1,000 ideas that are all lofty and large. Type 2 - The Helper - is indifferent about goals. Type 3 - The Performer or Achiever - both love and hate goals. Type 4 - The Individualist - sets goals less as concrete action steps and more as general, romantic notions of how life “should” be. Type 5 - The Investigator - has an extremely healthy view of goal-setting because they set clear and measurable goals. Type 6 - The Loyalist - needs goals to keep moving forward, but can also overthink them. Type 7 - The Enthusiast - are less likely to set goals and more likely to set intentions or a word-of-the-year. Type 8 - The Challenger - like goals and focus more on the end-result than the details. Type 9 - The Peacemaker - has a very hard time setting their own goals because they are so concerned and involved with helping others meet their goals.

 Are you ready to take action? Join me for a free workshop: 3 Strategies to Accomplish Your Goals and Create a Purposeful Year.

Other Episodes Mentioned: Episode 7: Receiving Grace and Speaking Truth with Jill McCormick Episode 11: From Dream Career to Purposeful Leadership with Jenni Catron Episode 17: How the Enneagram Can Help You Nurture Healthy Relationships with Beth McCord Episode 27: Keeping God at the Center of Your Leadership, Life, and Business with SJ Meeson Episode 28: Three Practical Approaches to Goal Setting

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This episode was originally published on estherlittlefield.com/episode30. To join the Purposeful Leadership Facebook Group, go to estherlittlefield.com/group.