What You'll Hear: Raised Southern Baptist, profession of faith at age 9, committed to Christ in late 20's Worked for the Federal Government in IT. Was the Federal Manager for the first  Unix systems and the founding webmaster for EPA.gov I was the token conservative in the group, they certainly knew where I stood with regards to my faith and social issues I looked for opportunities to put a pebble in their shoe.  We would have good conversations at lunch.  Don't know that anybody's lives were changed. I treated everyone with dignity and respect, including a woman who was openly Lesbian who was mistreated by other co-workers It's important to ask not just how we're spending time but what we're spending time on. We can't really manage time, but we can manage ourselves and what we do We make time for the things that are important to us It's important to think not just about what to do but what NOT to do Break 1 - 10:57 - next dig into the meat of his presentation on Time Management, starting with the Rule of 13 which made a big difference in my life when I first heard about it from John To say "I'm too busy" is really a mark of pride
The rule of 13 divides the week into 21 time periods and says if you're committed to more than 13 of those time periods you're too busy.  That's bondage, captivity.  You have no time for spontaneity, to relax, time with your family.  If you don't have that bondage, you have more freedom to be creative and to respond to opportunities. Stephen Covey's book "First Things First" talked about everything we do is in 1 of 4 quadrants, either urgent or not urgent and important or not important.  Quadrant 1, important and urgent needs to be managed. Quadrant 2, important and not urgent, is where we should spend most of our time. Quadrant 3, urgent and not important you want to avoid and learn to say no.  Quadrant, not urgent and not important should be minimized. You need to set goals. This will help you realize when you're doing something unimportant.  Train yourself so that you can be set free. Saw a meme recently.  Fit is hard, fat is hard. You choose.  Self-imposed captivity can free you. The ultimate goal is to glorify God in the things we do. Break 2 - 30:14 - next some specific tips very helpful Tips - it's like gardening and weeding, do a little bit often rather than putting it off Each evening plan 2 or 3 things you want to accomplish the next day To be set free you need to limit the distractions.  Don't let your phone create any sounds. When at home don't have it with you every second. A 5 second interruption can cost you a minute Consider only handling emails once or twice a day. Be more time focused rather than task focused.  Carve out times to do certain things. Make an appointment with yourself and block that time out on your calendar Get things out of your head so your mind can be creative, this is called psychic bandwidth.  Make lists and carry a pencil and pen to jot down an idea.  Empty your inboxes regularly Imagine you're leaving tomorrow for a month long trip to raft the Colorado river in the Grand Canyon.  Today you're only going to do the things that absolutely need to get done Kiss the Toad is about doing something you don't want to do but needs to be done, just do it first thing and the rest of your day will be great. Contact [email protected]