S Is high stakes but pales in comparison to the stakes for every individual when it comes to their eternal destination. Our country seems divided right down the middle politically and it would be easy as conservative Christian to say this divide lines up with the sheep and the goats, I.e. Trump supporters are going to be saved and the rest will not , that’s not true of course and the fact that it’s not true should be a reminder that we should identify ourselves first and foremost with our allegiance to our Savior Jesus Christ and our identity as a child of the most High God and not by any earthly affiliation or group or political party. One of the truths of the Bible that I have struggled with is the fact that there is a Hell and that those who choose not to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior will spend an eternity in torment. Rather than responding to that struggle by trying to rationalize what is clearly taught in the Bible, a better response on my part Would be to have a renewed sense of urgency to share the Gospel with those I have access to in my life.  We all have an area of influence in our life and a big part Of that influence is through our work. This issue of eternal salvation hit home to me this past week after spending several days with a close relative who is an avowed Atheist. We were watching a special on CNN a documentary on Linda Rondstadt. I was very intrigued by this doc because I enjoyed her music growing up but didn’t know much about her. She lived a very impressive life in terms of her music career. She was the first woman to have 5 albums in a row that went platinum. She was the first person to have a hit on the pop, R&B and country charts simultaneously.  She played to large crowds. And won over many with her unique and powerful voice as well as her stage presence and physical beauty. Despite her success in rock and roll she boldly pursued other challenges including winning a Tony after singing on Broadway and producing some powerful traditional Mexican music, honoring her heritage and her Mexican father who was also a musician. At the end of the documentary they showed her in the present day. It was a bit sad because she contracted something like Parkinson’s a number of years ago and lost her ability to sing as she used to along with other physical complications. She never married but had many lovers which seemed a sad to me. It was interesting that nothing was said in the documentary about her spiritual beliefs though they made several references to her political beliefs. I did a quick search and found that though she was raised Catholic she considered herself an Atheist. It hit me that just like my relative, she is currently alive and based on her beliefs is destined for Hell. I thought about writing a letter to her to Share the Gospel. Though I may do that, realistically there are so many unbelievers as well as those whose beliefs are unknown to me with whom, unlike Linda Rondstadt, I actually have some kind of relationship and influence, and that certainly includes my relationships at work.   There’s another aspect to this story I want to share.  We talk about what it means to live Out our faith through our work. Through those conversations we often say that you don’t have to be a minister nor do you have to be proselitizing in order to live Out our faith through our work.  So what do we do? Well, to answer that question let’s talk about LInda Rondstadt.  As an atheist she has a spiritual belief and without a doubt has faith, in fact I would argue it takes more faith to be an atheist than a Christian. She clearly has shown excellence in her work as evidenced by her accomplishments.  She has certainly been rewarded financially for her work. Others have enjoyed the fruits of her labor and befitted from them. despite these truths about what Linda has accomplished and despite the fact that we don’t really know if Linda has lived Out her faith through her work, Based on the Bible and Wikipedia she is destined for Hell. So what is my point? Well, for one thing, Like Linda Rondstadt we can achieve success by the worlds standards through our work but not live out our faith through our work and not go to Heaven. Also, I believe we can go to heaven and not live out our faith through our work. In other words, living out our faith through our work is not about getting to Heaven, that’s true whether we are a plumber, a doctor or a pastor. We are saved by grace through faith in the saving power Of the blood Jesus Christ. So if living out our faith through our work is not about being saved what is it about? One way to answer that question by sharing a devotional from Pastor Brian Biggers, called “As You Go”. To sign up to receive Brian’s First Light Devotionals go to tlcalive.com   "As You Go"


  As you go, preach, saying 'the kingdom of heaven is available'! Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils. Freely you have received, freely give. Matthew 10:7-8   Have you ever noticed that Jesus' ministry was an "as you go" ministry? Do you also notice that he commanded us to practice an "as you go" ministry? Through the years of church history ministry has morphed into an "organized, scheduled" ministry instead of what He said it should be. A short reading of scripture reveals that Jesus did not "plan" ministry events. He didn't "organize" healing services, evangelistic outreaches or prophesy conferences. As He moved about His daily routine, He would encounter human needs. It was then as He "ran into" people with needs that He would minister to them in whatever capacity their need called for. That is an "as you go" ministry. There is certainly nothing wrong with planned ministry events where people can come together and receive help. But, are we missing the greatest opportunities to serve and help people by not being "as you go" minded? Our current mindset is, "come to church on Sunday and find help". "I'll call my minister and set up a time for him to help you". Again, nothing wrong with these options. But, do I really need to wait until Sunday to help someone? Do you and I not have the same Holy Spirit living inside of us that Jesus had inside of Him enabling Him to bring Kingdom blessing to others "as He went"? Let’s change (love that word!) the way we think about ministry and become followers of the Man that lived His life always on the lookout for an opportunity to serve someone "Kingdom style". Why do you need to "take a mission trip" to Africa to minister to needy people when you can take one to Walmart for far less money! Why not take a mission trip to help the heathen in Gibsonville, Mebane or Ossipee? If you are feeling really spiritual, head for Saxapahaw! A great life is to head out every morning after praying, "dear Jesus, I am your ambassador today on the lookout for a need to be met. Thank you that you will 'order my steps' to just the right person and fill me with your precious Spirit to meet any need I might encounter"! Then you walk through your day with you "periscope up" looking for chances to bless "as you go"! Wonder what God would do during a day if we adopted an "as you go" mindset to minister? All you have to do to find out is look at Jesus' life.     Thank you for the call to represent you in my corner of the world today! Line me up somebody to bless "as I go" today!   E Cameron Arnett - refused to do partial nudity in a big role - crushed him   L Psa 104:19 The moon marks off the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down. Psa 104:20 You bring darkness, it becomes night, and all the beasts of the forest prowl. Psa 104:21 The lions roar for their prey and seek their food from God. Psa 104:22 The sun rises, and they steal away; they return and lie down in their dens. Psa 104:23 Then man goes out to his work, to his labor until evening. Psa 104:24 How many are your works, O LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Interesting how our daily work is listed among other things that are part of daily life in Gods creation, part of Gods works!   Our work matters to God!   A If Podcast not accessible look to  website www.christianmenatwork.com H