From Justin Camp, Wire Devotional

[ 1 min read ★ ] The Lord is my helper; I will not fear—Hebrews 13:6 We have an enemy, brother, and he is a liar. He “fills the world with lies” (John 8:44 MSG). He doesn’t tire of his work . . . and he is clever. He reserves certain lies, holding them, waiting for the right time and for the right men. For he knows that some of his lies are more persuasive at certain times and under specific circumstances.    As we stand now, looking out at the expanse of a new year, he knows it’s time to whisper fear into the minds of men. He’s whispering, to those who’ll listen, to be afraid of what trouble might be coming. He’s whispering this lie now because he understands our nature. He knows we like control. He knows we like to know what’s next. He knows it’s difficult to feel “in control” when facing the uncertainty . . . when anything, really, might happen. And so, he knows it’s time to take advantage.   We confront a choice, therefore. We can accept his lie, shoulder the fear, shrink back and focus on survival by returning to things that offer us just a little comfort—work, food, alcohol, pornography, distraction, withdrawal. Or, we can reject his lie, spurn his fearmongering, hold tight to the promises of God, and move forward—trusting that no trouble will surpass God’s ability to protect us and care for us.   “This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike ‘What’s next, Papa?’” (Romans 8:15-17 MSG)   First Light the bait of Satan- 12/16 The Bait of Satan    Lest satan should take advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his baits. 2 Corinthians 2:11    The bait of satan is the title of a popular book written a few years ago. It is also a revelation of great truth found in God's Word. We learn from the Word that the enemy of our soul that is hell bent on our destruction uses "bait" to capture us in order to steal, kill and destroy us. Being a fisherman, I am well aware of how effective the right bait can be in capturing a fish! The bait that is spoken of here in Second Corinthians is no doubt his favorite and most effective weapon used to wound and damage people, families and churches. It is the bait of bitterness, or as it is called in the Bible; unforgiveness. Personally, in thirty-five years of ministry I can testify that this is the satanic tool that has done the most harm to people where I have pastored. It is the tool that is currently dividing our nation. No doubt it is the evil ones "go to" weapon. The Bible admonishes us not to "be ignorant" of his diabolical working in this area within our personal lives and to reject every attempt of his to inject thoughts of bitterness into our thinking. Most of his schemes would never trip up the average believer. Being tempted to steal, murder, lie, abuse drugs or steal someone's mate would be so repulsive to saints that they are useless against them. However, the bait of bitterness is justified by many believers and ensnares them. That is why we are warned to live with a constant vigilance against any attempt of the enemy to bait us into a hard heart against anyone. I have seen so much damage done with this one tool. Let’s determine we will not become prisoners of satan by receiving accusations from hell against others. Let’s refuse to justify our bitterness by calling it "hurt" or anything else that allows it to remain. Let’s call it what God calls it and be free from the bondage that it guarantees. Often, I am asked "how can I forgive them after what they did"? That's a great question. The Bible has a great answer! The living God will never ask me to forgive anyone more that He has forgiven me. I was damned in my sin against God. Guilty without excuse. But, in the greatest act of forgiveness in history He not only forgave me, but He made His Son stand in for me at my cross and accept my punishment. I can forgive because I have been forgiven!   Thank you, Father, for the power of forgiveness to keep me free from the bondage of bitterness and torment that is afflicting so many today. I praise you that a forgiven man can afford to forgive!   First Light 11/26/20         Why Pray?   "Don't ever stop praying with great earnestness, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving." Colossians 4:2  Does anyone struggle with prayer? Do you ever struggle with finding time to pray? Do you ever wonder if your prayers make a difference? Let’s be bold and ask the question here. Why even bother to pray? Should I pray simply because I'm expected to? Do I pray to keep God happy? The truth is that most believers give very little to prayer. Heck, the average preacher in America prays very little. What difference does it make anyway? Let me bring out a great truth from scripture regarding our praying. We are called by our Father to pray many times in the Bible. Today's scripture calls us to pray earnestly and never give up. Me praying doesn't make me a "good Christian". Its not a question of my goodness. Its a question of His goodness. In what I fear may be an oversimplification let me pose this thought; why would a good Father call me to pray of He wasn't going to do something? Would He require me to spend time in prayer knowing He was not going answer? That prayer was just some form of Christian discipline He puts me through for some unknown purpose? A thousand times no. If He is as good as His Word says He is, anything He calls me to do will certainly have a purpose and great benefit. I cannot imagine telling my children to ask me for something knowing my answer was no. That would be warped. Truth is that He says He will give you what you ask for quicker than you will feed your children when they ask for dinner. "If you being evil compared to me will give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask Him"? I am convinced by His Word and His Spirit that He greatly desires to answer our prayers when prayed boldly in faith. I simply cannot imagine Him commanding me to do something just so He can ignore me. He will do what He says He will do. It’s that simple. "Call on me, I will answer you, and show you great things you have never seen before". I have a feeling (actually a revelation from scripture) that our great struggle to pray comes from an unholy devil that knows what happens when God's people pray in faith and humility. He knows how good our God is. That's why he does everything in his evil power to hinder us from praying to God. Do what he may, he won't stop me from calling on the Most High. I know how Good God is.   Father, knowing how you are, I declare as David did, "in the morning I will lift up soul to you in prayer". Thank you that you will hear me and answer   From Pastor Richard Geiger, Torah Teaching on 11/21/20   Witchcraft tries to conjure events with our words, not including God Prayer is a relationship, meditating and relating, communing with your Lord We press in to know Him better Luke 18 - unjust judge  We survive in this world of deception in His presence PUSH - pray until something happens  Prayer needs to flow from a life of obedience   E Rita, wife of Joe Albright, who wrote book “Liberating the Bruised”. In the Preface of his book Joe talked about how he was an alcoholic in the early part of their marriage and said this about his wife Rita “When I was drinking Rita L So he sent his brothers away, and they departed; and he said to them, “See that you do not become troubled along the way.” Genesis 45:24 - NKJV   Then tax collectors also came to be baptized, and said to him, “Teacher, what shall we do?” And he said to them, “Collect no more than what is appointed for you.” Likewise the soldiers asked him, saying, “And what shall we do?” So he said to them, “Do not intimidate anyone or accuse falsely, and be content with your wages.” Luke 3:12-14 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage?search=Luke%203:12-14&version=NKJV   A None   H None


From Justin Camp, Wire Devotional

[ 1 min read ★ ] The Lord is my helper; I will not fear—Hebrews 13:6 We have an enemy, brother, and he is a liar. He “fills the world with lies” (John 8:44 MSG). He doesn’t tire of his work . . . and he is clever. He reserves certain lies, holding them, waiting for the right time and for the right men. For he knows that some of his lies are more persuasive at certain times and under specific circumstances.    As we stand now, looking out at the expanse of a new year, he knows it’s time to whisper fear into the minds of men. He’s whispering, to those who’ll listen, to be afraid of what trouble might be coming. He’s whispering this lie now because he understands our nature. He knows we like control. He knows we like to know what’s next. He knows it’s difficult to feel “in control” when facing the uncertainty . . . when anything, really, might happen. And so, he knows it’s time to take advantage.   We confront a choice, therefore. We can accept his lie, shoulder the fear, shrink back and focus on survival by returning to things that offer us just a little comfort—work, food, alcohol, pornography, distraction, withdrawal. Or, we can reject his lie, spurn his fearmongering, hold tight to the promises of God, and move forward—trusting that no trouble will surpass God’s ability to protect us and care for us.   “This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike ‘What’s next, Papa?’” (Romans 8:15-17 MSG)   First Light the bait of Satan- 12/16 The Bait of Satan    Lest satan should take advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his baits. 2 Corinthians 2:11    The bait of satan is the title of a popular book written a few years ago. It is also a revelation of great truth found in God's Word. We learn from the Word that the enemy of our soul that is hell bent on our destruction uses "bait" to capture us in order to steal, kill and destroy us. Being a fisherman, I am well aware of how effective the right bait can be in capturing a fish! The bait that is spoken of here in Second Corinthians is no doubt his favorite and most effective weapon used to wound and damage people, families and churches. It is the bait of bitterness, or as it is called in the Bible; unforgiveness. Personally, in thirty-five years of ministry I can testify that this is the satanic tool that has done the most harm to people where I have pastored. It is the tool that is currently dividing our nation. No doubt it is the evil ones "go to" weapon. The Bible admonishes us not to "be ignorant" of his diabolical working in this area within our personal lives and to reject every attempt of his to inject thoughts of bitterness into our thinking. Most of his schemes would never trip up the average believer. Being tempted to steal, murder, lie, abuse drugs or steal someone's mate would be so repulsive to saints that they are useless against them. However, the bait of bitterness is justified by many believers and ensnares them. That is why we are warned to live with a constant vigilance against any attempt of the enemy to bait us into a hard heart against anyone. I have seen so much damage done with this one tool. Let’s determine we will not become prisoners of satan by receiving accusations from hell against others. Let’s refuse to justify our bitterness by calling it "hurt" or anything else that allows it to remain. Let’s call it what God calls it and be free from the bondage that it guarantees. Often, I am asked "how can I forgive them after what they did"? That's a great question. The Bible has a great answer! The living God will never ask me to forgive anyone more that He has forgiven me. I was damned in my sin against God. Guilty without excuse. But, in the greatest act of forgiveness in history He not only forgave me, but He made His Son stand in for me at my cross and accept my punishment. I can forgive because I have been forgiven!   Thank you, Father, for the power of forgiveness to keep me free from the bondage of bitterness and torment that is afflicting so many today. I praise you that a forgiven man can afford to forgive!   First Light 11/26/20         Why Pray?   "Don't ever stop praying with great earnestness, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving." Colossians 4:2  Does anyone struggle with prayer? Do you ever struggle with finding time to pray? Do you ever wonder if your prayers make a difference? Let’s be bold and ask the question here. Why even bother to pray? Should I pray simply because I'm expected to? Do I pray to keep God happy? The truth is that most believers give very little to prayer. Heck, the average preacher in America prays very little. What difference does it make anyway? Let me bring out a great truth from scripture regarding our praying. We are called by our Father to pray many times in the Bible. Today's scripture calls us to pray earnestly and never give up. Me praying doesn't make me a "good Christian". Its not a question of my goodness. Its a question of His goodness. In what I fear may be an oversimplification let me pose this thought; why would a good Father call me to pray of He wasn't going to do something? Would He require me to spend time in prayer knowing He was not going answer? That prayer was just some form of Christian discipline He puts me through for some unknown purpose? A thousand times no. If He is as good as His Word says He is, anything He calls me to do will certainly have a purpose and great benefit. I cannot imagine telling my children to ask me for something knowing my answer was no. That would be warped. Truth is that He says He will give you what you ask for quicker than you will feed your children when they ask for dinner. "If you being evil compared to me will give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask Him"? I am convinced by His Word and His Spirit that He greatly desires to answer our prayers when prayed boldly in faith. I simply cannot imagine Him commanding me to do something just so He can ignore me. He will do what He says He will do. It’s that simple. "Call on me, I will answer you, and show you great things you have never seen before". I have a feeling (actually a revelation from scripture) that our great struggle to pray comes from an unholy devil that knows what happens when God's people pray in faith and humility. He knows how good our God is. That's why he does everything in his evil power to hinder us from praying to God. Do what he may, he won't stop me from calling on the Most High. I know how Good God is.   Father, knowing how you are, I declare as David did, "in the morning I will lift up soul to you in prayer". Thank you that you will hear me and answer   From Pastor Richard Geiger, Torah Teaching on 11/21/20   Witchcraft tries to conjure events with our words, not including God Prayer is a relationship, meditating and relating, communing with your Lord We press in to know Him better Luke 18 - unjust judge  We survive in this world of deception in His presence PUSH - pray until something happens  Prayer needs to flow from a life of obedience   E Rita, wife of Joe Albright, who wrote book “Liberating the Bruised”. In the Preface of his book Joe talked about how he was an alcoholic in the early part of their marriage and said this about his wife Rita “When I was drinking Rita L So he sent his brothers away, and they departed; and he said to them, “See that you do not become troubled along the way.” Genesis 45:24 - NKJV   Then tax collectors also came to be baptized, and said to him, “Teacher, what shall we do?” And he said to them, “Collect no more than what is appointed for you.” Likewise the soldiers asked him, saying, “And what shall we do?” So he said to them, “Do not intimidate anyone or accuse falsely, and be content with your wages.” Luke 3:12-14 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage?search=Luke%203:12-14&version=NKJV   A None   H None