S   First Light 12/11/20-The Order of Love The Order of Love 


Teacher, what is the greatest commandment? Jesus said "you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind. The second is, you shall love your neighbor as yourself". Matthew 22:36-37  Probably every believer knows that to "love God and love your neighbor" is the chief of all commands. Why then does it so seldom happen? I don't believe that it is because people don't want to obey Him. I believe that people sincerely wish they could. Simply put, people don't know how. Most don't understand the order that love must proceed in. So, folks try to love other people in human effort and find it more difficult than they expected! But, in order for this great command to be fulfilled in the actual everyday nitty gritty of life it must follow a Divine order. It does not start with loving God, or people. If you attempt to start there you will always fail, or you will substitute shallow human love instead of the real deal which is the "God kind of love". It all begins with His love. We must first experience His love touching our hearts by His Spirit. There is no other way to love unless it begins with His Spirit. Once I have experienced His love for me at heart level in the Spirit, then it becomes so easy and natural to love Him in return. "We love Him because He first loved us". Who according to this scripture loves first? He does. Even after I have felt His love in the Spirit and loved Him in response it is still not time to "love thy neighbor". Who is next in Biblical order? Loving myself with Divine love must come next. Notice in scripture I cannot "love my neighbor as I love myself" until I first "love myself". To many believers that have been religiously brainwashed this sounds self-centered. But I ask you, does the Bible not say that I can't love people until I have a healthy God given love for myself? Often the reason that people are so unloving is that they don't really think much of themselves. Once again, we see the Divine order of walking in love which should be the foremost goal of every child of God. First, I taste God's great love for me through His Spirit, then I begin to return that love to Him. Then after I have experienced His compassion for me, I begin to love me the way that He does. Then, and only then can I begin to "love my neighbor as myself". A person that has been baptized in Christ' love has no trouble sharing that love as an overflow of their experience. To "try" to love is always dead religion heaping an impossible task on a weary soul. To "receive" His love by His Spirit and then pour it out is another of His amazing graces that we enjoy!   Jesus, lover of my soul, baptize me in your loving Spirit as I fellowship with you! Love people through me by your Spirit! E Dietrich Bonhoeffer from "The Cost of Discipleship" p 265 “The value of the secular calling for the Christian is that it provides an opportunity of living the Christian life with the support of Gods grace, and of engaging more vigorously in the assault on the world and everything that it stands for.”   L Matt 20:25-28 (servant leadership)-from Larry O’Donnels book Management Waste "25 But Jesus called them to Himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. 26 Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. 27 And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave— 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” NKJV   A   H Email-another reason you pause before sending-to avoid sending multiple emails, eg you send it and then send another right away because you forgot some important detail, if you’re providing info and you state “working on getting that “ it’s a clue that you’re ready to send that email