What You'll Hear: Dr. Vanderpool accepted the Lord at age 12.  The Lord was present in his house in a great way and his parents modeled Christ since he was an infant.  He was surrounded by believers for generations since he was born His Dad is a surgeon and there are many doctors in his family.  It's been a goal for him forever and it never wavered. The Lord annointed him to be a surgeon. He doesn't feel any negative stress and enjoys his work. His parents did mission medical vision work throughout the world.  He had been given the best of everything, grew up in a Christian, affluent household with the best education. While doing missions, he met people who were on the opposite spectrum from him in terms of opportunity.  That disparity really bothered him. He and his wife now of 37 years were junior high school sweethearts They've been doing ministry in missions for 25 years.  They have 3 kids who also live for their ministry LiveBeyond They learned from many ministries like ArcoIris in Mozambique They arrived in Haiti 2 days after the Hurrricane hit in 2010 and set up a clinic for surgical care They closed down their successful surgical practice, sold everything to become full-time missionaries They had no security and actually slept on army costs on a concrete slab during Hurricane season for 4 months with no electricity It's a mistake to have your family centered on your kids.  They want us to lead. God annoints us for work and our work is important but what defines me is my walk with Jesus Christ.  We have to put our work in a subservient place to our walk with Jesus Christ.  Get up early and spend time in worship and prayer.  The greek word for worship is to "kiss towards" The Lord gives us the ability to make money and that's a wonderful thing, but He didn't give us the money to keep but to give it and to build his Kingdom. 80% of the people in their area live on less than $2 per day, and are with a dime of survival.  You don't see depression.  You see joy.  2 hours is the richest country that has ever existed and there's rampant depression. They gave up everything in the States and don't miss it a bit. Our life is made up of work.  The question is the balance of life. A whole lot of our busyness revolves around our desire to be entertained.  Our pursuit of entertainment has crippled that question of work life balance. Quality time is quantity time. Our scripture for LiveBeyond this year is John 10:10. It has 2 parts.  The second part says that Jesus gave life and gave it abundantly.  That's what Christians are called to do, to give life.  The abundant life is the Gospel.  That should be the mission statement of every Christian.  The converse is that the thief has come to steal, kill and destroy. One great way to bring eternal life to the workplace is to bring joy We should listen to uplifting things. Jesus is about order.  Satan is about chaos. Families should serve the poor together. Contact www.livebeyond.org to sign up for a trip