What You'll Hear:   Kenny was the last of 7 children.  His Dad was in the military and was like a ghost Kenny felt ignored and was on a broken quest for recognition and visibility By age 17 Kenny made a lot of money and had friends but was very empty.  He came home from a party and prayed a prayer of desperation and said to Jesus "I need to see you", he felt an incredible presence in his mind and heart of acceptance and had a burning bush moment. 2 months later he went to UCLA, started attending a Bible study and never looked back That kind of encounter is available to all believers In College he got involved in Campus Crusade for Christ and had great men discipling me.  He joined the staff at Campus Crusade for Christ working with Josh McDowell, then went into the marketplace and ended up CEO of a company while attending Saddleback Church and then became a lay pastor He was Men's pastor at Saddleback from 2000-2014 We need to trust God with timing of job changes, He doesn't wear our watch If a man wants to go into full-time ministry, often he thinks falsely it will be easier and he'll feel better in ministry vs a position in the marketplace We need to look in the mirror and check ourselves and get counsel Your life in God will never outperform your view of God God has you here for a purpose.  Your first purpose at work is to be productive.  A big mistake is when a Christian's work product doesn't reflect the God they want to talk about The best employees are the ones who act like an owner.  They care as much about the company as those who founded it.  God is then pleased and management is pleased. The Gospel in deed makes a path for you to share the Gospel in word We are in a spiritual battle when it comes to our marriage and there are forces against our marriage Our marriage needs to be protected and defended by two people Kenny wrote his book "Dangerous Good" because men want to do great things and be dangerous with goodness like a superhero.  After realizing they can't be a superhero they try be dangerous in bad ways, the rip-off version of an identify for men Jesus broke the rules for the male culture of His time Well tell the stories when we take risk The life we think is risky, such as with sex or money or doing unethical things, these types of risk make a man selfish and horrible at relationships.  Jesus said to take risks on loving Him and loving people, and then our lives will be filled with purpose and meaning Jesus said He came so we would have life and to the full We're made by God, we're made for God, and we're going back to God.  If we get those 3 things we're going to be living a full life The truest thing about you is what God says is true about you Say Yes to a relationship with God and yes to a relationship with other believers, God will take you the rest of the way We can have a revolution of identity as a child of the King and then a revolution of being a shining light of men who are dangerous with goodness as in the book of Acts When God wants to do something big He starts with the men The church has the women and kids around the world.  It's waiting on the men. The end is near and there's an urgency we need to live with Don't miss your moment in history go to www.EveryManMinistries.com

What You'll Hear:   Kenny was the last of 7 children.  His Dad was in the military and was like a ghost Kenny felt ignored and was on a broken quest for recognition and visibility By age 17 Kenny made a lot of money and had friends but was very empty.  He came home from a party and prayed a prayer of desperation and said to Jesus "I need to see you", he felt an incredible presence in his mind and heart of acceptance and had a burning bush moment. 2 months later he went to UCLA, started attending a Bible study and never looked back That kind of encounter is available to all believers In College he got involved in Campus Crusade for Christ and had great men discipling me.  He joined the staff at Campus Crusade for Christ working with Josh McDowell, then went into the marketplace and ended up CEO of a company while attending Saddleback Church and then became a lay pastor He was Men's pastor at Saddleback from 2000-2014 We need to trust God with timing of job changes, He doesn't wear our watch If a man wants to go into full-time ministry, often he thinks falsely it will be easier and he'll feel better in ministry vs a position in the marketplace We need to look in the mirror and check ourselves and get counsel Your life in God will never outperform your view of God God has you here for a purpose.  Your first purpose at work is to be productive.  A big mistake is when a Christian's work product doesn't reflect the God they want to talk about The best employees are the ones who act like an owner.  They care as much about the company as those who founded it.  God is then pleased and management is pleased. The Gospel in deed makes a path for you to share the Gospel in word We are in a spiritual battle when it comes to our marriage and there are forces against our marriage Our marriage needs to be protected and defended by two people Kenny wrote his book "Dangerous Good" because men want to do great things and be dangerous with goodness like a superhero.  After realizing they can't be a superhero they try be dangerous in bad ways, the rip-off version of an identify for men Jesus broke the rules for the male culture of His time Well tell the stories when we take risk The life we think is risky, such as with sex or money or doing unethical things, these types of risk make a man selfish and horrible at relationships.  Jesus said to take risks on loving Him and loving people, and then our lives will be filled with purpose and meaning Jesus said He came so we would have life and to the full We're made by God, we're made for God, and we're going back to God.  If we get those 3 things we're going to be living a full life The truest thing about you is what God says is true about you Say Yes to a relationship with God and yes to a relationship with other believers, God will take you the rest of the way We can have a revolution of identity as a child of the King and then a revolution of being a shining light of men who are dangerous with goodness as in the book of Acts When God wants to do something big He starts with the men The church has the women and kids around the world.  It's waiting on the men. The end is near and there's an urgency we need to live with Don't miss your moment in history go to www.EveryManMinistries.com