Next Episode: Love at Home

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..." Those are arguably some of the most powerful words in history that previously, and even at that time, weren't actually believed by most. But when they were written down, all of a sudden, it set a new standard for mankind. What are some of the most powerful words you've heard in your life?

Our words create our reality. The words we speak to those around us and especially to ourselves have a profound impact on our thoughts and our actions as well as that of those around us. Today I want to take some time to give some examples of powerful words that have shaped my life, why that's important, and what you can do to shape your own reality with your words.

Here's that quote by Lawrence G. Lovasik.

P.S. If you have been loving the tools this podcast gives you, or you feel that it has been helpful in some way, I would love for you to leave a review! This is one of the best ways to can spread the word and help other parents who may be struggling.

Now have yourself a great week!