Previous Episode: A Call to Moms
Next Episode: The Future

Something we are promised as we keep our covenants is that we will "have joy in our posterity." But we also know that we can't experience joy without sorrow and difficulty. So it stands to reason that "negative emotions in our posterity" would also be part of the plan right?

In a previous podcast episode I explained the difference between clean pain and dirty pain. This concept also applies to parenting! Here are three things I think we do with that dirty pain that just tend to suck the joy out of parenting.

1. We try to control the wrong things.

2. We allow things to disconnect us from our kids.

3. We lack faith.

But if we can learn to embrace this opposition in all things, we don't have to wait for our kids to turn out "right" to feel joy in our posterity. We can feel it right now!

Related episodes

Clean Pain, Dirty Pain

The Parable of the Fruit Trees

Other references:

3 John 1:4

Doctrine and Covenants 123:17