Previous Episode: Loving Yourself

We've all been there- your child does something that sends you over the edge and you just lose it. It happens to the best of us! But how do you feel afterwards? How is that relationship affected? For me- no good ever comes from those freak-out moments. Luckily there are SO many things we can do to make sure they are few and far between. Here's a few of them that I'll talk about in today's episode:

Be kind to yourself, and make sure that your needs are being met.

Learn to pause and breathe deeply.

Intentionally choose thoughts and beliefs that are helpful to you.

"Get curious, not furious."

Learn to visualize and practice ahead of time how you want to think, feel, and act.

You've totally got this. If, after listening to this episode, you feel like you need some more help with this, reach out to me! You can click here for a free 30-minute consultation or DM me on Instagram!

Another reminder that I have another group starting in March for moms whose children are questioning or leaving the church. It's going to be SO GOOD you guys. Click here to schedule a call for more info.

Have a great week, and I'll talk to you soon!