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Chris Fabry Live

880 episodes - English - Latest episode: 28 days ago - ★★★★★ - 222 ratings

Chris Fabry Live is designed to build up the spiritual immune system of the Christian men and woman. As you walk through the journey of faith called the Christian life, you meet new people, learn new things, laugh, cry and, most importantly, grow in your understanding of God.

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Natural Medicines

May 11, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Dr. Walt is back in the house. And the topic is natural medicines—herbs, vitamins, and dietery supplements. What works, what’s safe and frankly, what’s a waste of money? Dr. Walt Larimore has consulted with experts and has evaluated about 1300 natural medicines or interventions—and he’ll give his opinion on Chris Fabry Live.

God of the Impossible

May 10, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Do you want to share the gospel with someone from a different culture or belief system? President of Call of Hope U.S. Stefano Fehr and Moody Bible Institute professor Dr. Samuel Naaman have uncovered amazing testimonies of people from a Muslim background who are now following Jesus. Hear the hope-filled stories when we talk about God of the Impossible on Chris Fabry Live.

Pamela's Mom-Struggle

May 07, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Moms, have you ever felt like you didn’t have what it takes to be a mother? You felt incapable for some reason? Friday, hear the fictional struggle of a woman named Pamela, and then we’ll open the lines for your response. Maybe you were the child who gave your mother reason to think she wasn’t up for the task. Don’t miss an hour of encouragement for moms and their kids on Chris Fabry Live.

National Day of Prayer

May 06, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Scripture tells us to “rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” On the National Day of Prayer, we’re going to do that with several friends. We’ll give thanks to God and pray for some of the struggles in our nation. Don’t miss Chris Fabry Live. Listen to National Day of Prayer Broadcast

Get Out of Your Head

May 05, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​What are the toxic thoughts that plague you? I’m worthless. I’m helpless. I’m unlovable. If you struggle with those whispers, don’t miss Chris Fabry Live. Jennie Allen says the average person has 30,000 thoughts a day and 70% of them are negative. What if one thing could transform the way you think? Stop that spiral of toxicity. Hear some help and hope from Jennie Allen on Chris Fabry Live.

Mike on Mic

May 03, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Mike is a radio guy. Mike has spent the past year in the closet hoping to make it back to the studio. But Mike has a problem. Mike Kankelfritz of Family Life Radio will join us to talk about radio, the power of words, and the reason he has been sequestered. It’s a story of sacrifice and love. Don’t miss a real-life radio conversation on Chris Fabry Live.

Inhale (Exhale)

April 30, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Bart Millard of MercyMe is our guest on Friday’s Chris Fabry Live. You’ll hear music from the new album Inhale (Exhale). Find out about two Garys and their impact on this collection of songs. Plus, the conflict between Bart and his brother over the film, I Can Only Imagine, that opened up deeper communication between them. Don’t miss the songs and conversation on Chris Fabry Live. "Say I Won't" music video

Wild at Heart

April 29, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Twenty years ago a book about men and their hearts made a big difference. John Eldredge will talk about the impact that Wild at Heart has made on a generation. He wrote about the validation men often seek by performing at work or in their careers. What happens when men come to grips with the deep desires inside? Don’t miss Chris Fabry Live.

The Anatomy of Deconversion

April 28, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Know anyone who has gone through a “deconversion?” They believed the Bible, followed Jesus, but now they’ve abandoned their faith? Dr. John Marriott joins us to talk about this well-publicized trend. Why do people walk away? And what can you do as a family member or friend to help the person who says they’re happier as an unbeliever? Join us for Chris Fabry Live.

Faith, Suffering, and the Goodness of God

April 27, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​What can a trauma surgeon teach us about faith, suffering and the goodness of God? Find out as we welcome Dr. Kathryn Butler. From personal experience, she guides people through the deep questions about the trustworthiness of God in the midst of illness. Does his steadfast love endure even in times of great affliction? Don’t miss the encouragement on Chris Fabry Live.

The Headline from Your Life

April 23, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Today you get the journalistic opportunity to write your headline. If you look at all the difficult stories from around the country that are “news,” if you only see the world through those headlines, you’ll miss the good things happening in front of you. Write the headline from your life—and share it with us at the Radio Backyard Fence. Don’t miss the headlines on Chris Fabry Live.

Creative God Colorful Us

April 22, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​We are so different. We come from different backgrounds. Different experiences. We are different colors. How do we overcome those differences? On Chris Fabry Live, Trillia Newbell says God could have made us all exactly the same. But he didn’t. And since God made us with differences, maybe he wants us to use those differences to help each other and give glory to him. Let’s talk about it on Chris Fabry Live.

Stopping to Pray

April 21, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​When you need to process the news of the day, I hope you’ll make plans to visit the Radio Backyard Fence. The verdict has been reached in the trial of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. This is an ongoing, fluid situation, and we’ll talk about it, and most importantly, pray about it with several guests on Chris Fabry Live.

Facing an ALS Diagnosis

April 20, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Steve was a successful businessman who was diagnosed with ALS. His prognosis is grim, but from that ordeal he’s developed a new ministry. You’ll hear Steve’s story—and we’ll follow-up with Mary Sweeney who lost her husband, Bill, to ALS a few months ago. Encouragement for those facing an ALS diagnosis—on Chris Fabry Live.

The B.E.S.T. Marriage

April 19, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

On Chris Fabry Live, lessons for your marriage from a former police officer. Anthony Delaney believes that even if you and your spouse are wildly different, if there’s intense conflict, there’s still hope for your marriage. You’ve heard the old adage, “Don’t settle for less than the best.” Anthony says “BEST” stands for blessing, encouraging, sharing and touching. Have the best marriage possible—hear how on Chris Fabry Live.

Life's Too Short...

April 16, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Life’s too short. I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to figure that out. We’re going to use the brevity of life for something good. I want you to finish the sentence, "Life’s too short to...." Life’s too short to stay angry at someone you love? Life’s too short to waste it on worrying? Your answer might make all the difference. Life’s too short—on Chris Fabry Live.

Seniors Stepping from the Shadows

April 15, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Older women often feel unseen and unheard. They feel consigned to the margins of life rather than being in the middle of the stories we elevate in our culture. Is that true? Maggie believes it is because she’s lived it. She had the courage to talk about her observations. You’ll hear her story and discover Maggie’s good news on Chris Fabry Live.  Maggie Rowe's TEDx Talk


April 13, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

How do you forgive what you can’t forget? Lysa TerKeurst has not only written about that, she’s lived it. And she really believes that your heart can heal from those things in your past. But what about right now, in the middle of pain you didn’t cause? Is there a way to see your life the way God sees it? Hear Lysa’s story on Chris Fabry Live.

Living with Unbelieving Extended Family

April 12, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Chris needs your help. Actually, a listener needs your help. For various reasons, her family has moved in with her parents. Things are more stable now, except the mom is a believer and her parents aren’t. She longs for them to be godly, wise grandparents. How would you counsel her in that situation? What encouragement would you give? Don’t miss Chris Fabry Live.

The Morning Show that Made a Difference

April 09, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Why do you feel such a connection with your local radio morning program? Something happens when early morning radio hosts do what they do. Tell us the difference a morning program made in your life. They give the time and temperature, the weather, the traffic, they play music—but something happens that goes deeper than information. Tell your story on Chris Fabry Live.

COVID-19: One Year Later

April 08, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​We’ve been through a year of struggle and loss because of the emergence of COVID-19. What’s the main emotion you’ve dealt with in this last year? Our correspondent to unwanted change, Miriam Neff, returns to talk about the emotions that have stirred during this season. What have you experienced? Anger? Fear? Depression? How do we move forward together? Let’s talk about it on Chris Fabry Live.

Holocaust Remembrance Day

April 07, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

On the next Chris Fabry Live we’ll talk with a husband and wife about that observance of Holocaust Remembrance Day. Dr. Michael Rydelnik is the son of Holocaust survivors. He and his wife Eva will join us to discuss the importance of remembering those who perished, and the disturbing rise in anti-Semitism today. Don’t miss the conversation with the Rydelniks on the next Chris Fabry Live.

Love Language Lessons

April 05, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​How did Dr. Gary Chapman become Dr. Gary Chapman? We’re going back to the mill town in North Carolina where Gary grew up. Visit the bus stop where the bully berated our hero about his faith. Get on the lonely bus to Chicago to go to school—and read the letter that broke his heart. It’s all part of the life story and life lessons learned by Dr. Gary Chapman. Don’t miss it on Chris Fabry Live.

The Crucifixion of Jesus

April 02, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Four years ago, singer and songwriter Fernando Ortega came to the studio and played songs from a new album, The Crucifixion of Jesus. On our Good Friday edition of Chris Fabry Live, we’ll talk with Fernando and hear songs recorded live in the studio. Before we rush to the empty tomb, let’s look at the Lamb who was slain for you and me. Don’t miss this Good Friday presentation on Chris Fabry Live.

Why the Cross Matters Every Day

April 01, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​At Christmas time, we talk about the spirit of the season and keeping it all year round. But what about keeping the season we’re in right now all year round? Author and speaker Dr. John Koessler will help us understand why the cross matters every day. The apostle Paul wrote that it is the key to daily Christian living. Why the cross matters every day—on Chris Fabry Live. Keeping the Cross in View blogpost 

Bible Q & A: Holy Week

March 31, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​There are so many facets to Holy Week—so many moments we need to consider and we’ll do that on Chris Fabry Live. To help answer your questions, we have those boys of the Bible, the men of the Moody Commentary, the Two Michaels, Dr. Michael Rydelnik and Dr. Michael Vanlaningham. They’ll take us on a guided tour of the events that led to Gethsemane and Golgotha and the empty tomb. Don’t miss the two Michaels on Chris Fabry Live.

Making Decisions

March 30, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

What’s the decision you’re trying to make right now that has you tied in knots? You don’t know what to do. Maybe you have two really good choices but you’re stuck. Dr. Ray Pritchard is back to talk about making decisions in a God-honoring way and the freedom that comes when you decide in faith. If you’re deciding something big or small, make the decision to listen to Chris Fabry Live.

Kingdom Men Rising

March 29, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Dr. Tony Evans talks about what it means to be a Kingdom man. God wants the best for your life. He has a good plan for you. Do you believe that? Well, how do you become all you were created to be? If you’re tired of settling for a faith that just goes through the motions, don’t miss the conversation with Dr. Tony Evans on Chris Fabry Live.

What Have You Won?

March 26, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​What have you won? Maybe it was a contest on the radio. You were the 16th caller. Maybe you bought a ticket to the cake walk in grade school and tasted German chocolate for the first time. Was it a trip? A car? A cash prize? What have you won? And what did that “win” do in your life? Don’t miss the winning conversation on Chris Fabry Live.

When Faith is Forbidden

March 25, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Believers around the world are facing persecution right now. And you’ll hear some of their stories on Chris Fabry Live. Our guest is host of The Voice of the Martyrs Radio, Todd Nettleton. The lives he chronicles will help us understand the reality of persecution, the need to pray, and give motivation for us to live boldly for Christ. When Faith is forbidden—on Chris Fabry Live.

Eulogy Lessons

March 24, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​What you learned from the eulogy. That’s our topic Chris Fabry Live. You thought you knew the person. And someone told a story or gave a perspective on their life that shed new light on who they really were. We’ve had a lot of losses in the last year. What did you learn about someone you loved from the eulogy? Don’t miss the conversation on Chris Fabry Live. Luis Palau's memorial service

Lies Twentysomethings Need to Stop Believing

March 23, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​If you’re in your twenties, or you care about someone in that age bracket, don’t miss Chris Fabry Live. Paul Angone says the defining decade of your twenties sets the course for the rest of your life. You don’t want to believe the lies, half-truths and “supposed-to’s” you get from friends, family, and the media. What are the 25 lies twenty-something’s need to stop believing? Find out on Chris Fabry Live.

Before You Split

March 22, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Marriage advice from a former divorce attorney? That’s what you’ll hear on Chris Fabry Live. Toni Nieuwhof says if you are frustrated in your marriage or on the brink of giving up, there are hidden benefits of staying together. Or, you may not be ready to divorce, but you’re tired of marriage being so hard. Find what you really want for the future of your marriage on Chris Fabry Live.

Your Random Piece of Advice

March 19, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

It's a random advice Friday! Share your sage guidance about life, love, finances, parenting, dating, buying a car, Bible reading—anything that’s made your life a little easier. What advice would you give others that you follow every day? No suggestion is too trivial. Don’t miss the random advice on Chris Fabry Live.

Talking with Teens about Sexuality

March 18, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Talking with teens about sex. Our guests believe parents today don’t have a realistic view of the world their teens live in. There is the confusion about sexual identity, the ubiquity of pornography, and sex-saturated music and films. What are some practical, biblical ways to discuss these difficult issues? Join us for Chris Fabry Live.

I Am From

March 17, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​You’re going to help us write a poem of your life. Chris wants to know where you’re from. Not a geographic location, but a place of the heart. You’ll hear Evelyn’s words like these: "I am from a family that did without, made do, used it up, did the best they knew how, worked hard and died young." What about you? I am from… Wednesday on Chris Fabry Live.

Women Writers

March 16, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

In honor of Women’s History Month, we’ll talk about women writers and their contribution to literature through the ages. Of course, our special guest is professor and author Dr. Rosalie de Rosset. What are the books and stories written by women that have made a difference in your life? Don’t miss the conversation on Chris Fabry Live.

Remembering Luis Palau

March 15, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​He shared the gospel in 80 countries around the world and his ministry led millions to Christ. Monday on Chris Fabry Live, a tribute to Dr. Luis Palau. He was a man of deep faith in the transforming power of the Gospel. His simple message of forgiveness and new life in Christ captured the hearts of young and old alike. Don’t miss a tribute to Luis Palau on Chris Fabry Live. Luis Palau Memorial Website

Therefore I Have Hope

March 11, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Maybe you’re going through the initial shock. Or, you’re living the new normal. Perhaps you’re in the long haul phase. No matter what you’ve lost, no matter what dreams have been shattered, don’t miss Thursday’s Chris Fabry Live because Cameron Cole wants to give 12 truths that comfort, sustain and redeem the tragedy in your life. Don’t miss the encouragement and hope, Thursday on Chris Fabry Live.​

Creating a Culture of Discipleship

March 10, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Robby’s life changed drastically when he was hit by an 18-wheeler. Addictions followed and his life spiraled out of control. But an even bigger change happened after that and you’ll hear the story. If you’re praying for a prodigal, if you think someone you know is outside the reach of God’s love, don’t miss the story. Robby believes we’re here not to make converts but disciples. Hear more on Chris Fabry Live.

I Can't Read My Bible Anymore

March 09, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Have you ever had the experience of not being able to read the Bible? Something was going on in your life and you just couldn’t do it. We are going back to the archives for a conversation about what happened that caused this inability to read God’s Word. Something negative pushed you from the Scriptures. If that’s what you’re going through, don’t miss the honest conversation on Chris Fabry Live.

The Characters of Easter

March 08, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​The Bible is filled with real people with real problems and real pain. What happens when those people meet Jesus? On Chris Fabry Live, author and speaker Dan Darling has taken a fresh look at the people who populate the story of Passion Week. The religious leaders, the political leaders, the disciples, the betrayer. You might see yourself in the characters of Easter. We’ll talk about it on Chris Fabry Live.

Remembering Larry Crabb

March 05, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​His books have sold millions--Inside Out. Finding God. Soul Talk, Waiting For Heaven, and many more. On this Chris Fabry Live, we’ll pay tribute to speaker, author, counselor, and friend Dr. Larry Crabb. There was something about his words that sank deeply into the soul of all who heard and read them. Don’t miss the encouragement as we remember Dr. Larry Crabb on Chris Fabry Live. A Tribute to Dr. Larry Crabb by Jim Cress

My Wynter Season

March 04, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​On Chris Fabry Live, it’s the story of Jonathan and Wynter. They were married 15 years and one month—and then the unthinkable happened. How could a loving God allow the unspeakable loss of a young, vibrant wife and mother and author and speaker? Jonathan Pitts talks about his “Wynter season” on Chris Fabry Live.

They Don’t Make Them Like That Anymore

March 03, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

What item in your life do you find yourself saying, "They don't make them like that anymore?" Maybe it's a car, a tool, a food item, a timer, Christmas lights. What thing do you miss the old way of, knowing it isn't made the same as it used to be? Then we make the turn to talking about people. Join the conversation on Chris Fabry Live.

The Chosen Novel

March 02, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​The Chosen is an acclaimed series that tells the story of the life of Jesus. It’s been seen in every country in the world and has more than 85 million views. New York Times bestselling author Jerry Jenkins has taken Season 1 of the series and has turned it into a novel. What was it like for everyday people to encounter the Son of God? Don’t miss Chris Fabry Live.


March 01, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​If you’re single and frustrated about the dating scene, don’t miss Chris Fabry Live. Pastor and author Jonathan Pokluda has counseled thousands of young singles through the pain and heartbreak of today’s dating world. Things have changed drastically. So how do you find a love that lasts? Who do you date and how? Answers to these and your questions are coming up on Chris Fabry Live.

Marital Geographic Conflict

February 26, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

There’s a struggling couple who haven’t been married that long and they’re facing a conflict about geography. He likes living in the north. She likes living in the south. How do they resolve the issue? Have you had that struggle with your spouse? Were you able to come to some kind of agreement about your marital geography? Don’t miss Chris Fabry Live.

Helping Girls Overcome Anxiety

February 25, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​If your daughter struggles with worry and anxiety, don’t miss Chris Fabry Live. For nearly 30 years, Sissy Goff has been helping girls and their parents find confidence in who they are and hope in who God is making them to be. If your daughter constantly worries about what others think or can’t sleep because of the anxious thoughts that run like a hamster on a wheel, join us for Chris Fabry Live.

The Fight Against Pornography

February 24, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​For the past 30 years, Ted Shimer has witnessed first-hand the destruction of pornography addiction. Marriages, careers, and lives have been devastated. Hear some hope about this pervasive “new drug.” Ted says it’s a lie to believe you can’t break free. We’ll talk about the freedom fight on Chris Fabry Live.