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Chris Fabry Live

880 episodes - English - Latest episode: 28 days ago - ★★★★★ - 222 ratings

Chris Fabry Live is designed to build up the spiritual immune system of the Christian men and woman. As you walk through the journey of faith called the Christian life, you meet new people, learn new things, laugh, cry and, most importantly, grow in your understanding of God.

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Lingering School Memories

August 03, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

We’re going on a trip to your childhood. With the beginning of a new school year, memories can flood over us—both good and bad. Linda had a memory of a trip she took to a desert—and the teacher who didn’t believe her. And the principal who did. What school memory has stuck in your heart all these years? Don’t miss the conversation on Chris Fabry Live. Humiliation Over a Desert blogpost

Making Progress

August 02, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Are you making any progress? Maybe you've progressed professionally, personally, parentally. And how do you know you're making progress? Pick something you've made progress in and tell me the good news on Chris Fabry Live.

Your Childhood Dream Job

July 30, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

We want to hear about your childhood dream job. What did you always dream of being as a kid? Did you want to be an astronaut orbiting the moon or a gold medalist in swimming? Maybe you always loved animals, wanted to work with them, and became a vet. Share your childhood dream of a job and what you ended up doing on Chris Fabry Live.

Ministry to Women

July 29, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Ministry to women in the midst of their busyness and a pandemic has been hard. Guest host Collin Lambert welcomes author, speaker, and ER doctor Lina Abujamra. She has a particular passion for helping women connect with God and has created a unique way to do that. She joins us from Lebanon, where she’s giving hope and medical help this week. Don’t miss Lina Abujamra on Chris Fabry Live.

Does Doctrine Matter?

July 28, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

When asked what the greatest commandment is, Jesus responds with "Love God" and "Love Your Neighbor." Some churches today say that’s the magic formula to life. But is that true? Is doctrine important or relevant? What about the church? Guest host Collin Lambert and Dr. Kevin Zuber help us understand what’s really necessary for life and godliness. Join the conversation on Chris Fabry Live.

Parenting a Child with Chronic Disease

July 27, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Parents of children with chronic diseases need encouragement. Guest host Collin Lambert welcomes Moody Bible Institute Associate Professor Elizabeth Smith to share her journey. She’ll encourage fellow parents on this challenging road, parents who are helping their children through daily life. If you feel alone in your parenting of a child with a chronic illness, don’t miss Chris Fabry Live.

The 4 Habits of Raising Joy-Filled Kids

July 26, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​“I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart.” You may know that children’s song. And you may wonder how to get that joy into your kids’ hearts. Guest host Collin Lambert talks with Marcus Warner and Chris Coursey about raising joyful kids. Learn the four habits to equip them to live with joy in a low-joy world when you join us for Chris Fabry Live.

Encouraging Words

July 22, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

What was the most encouraging thing someone ever said to you? We want you to answer that question on Chris Fabry Live. Our correspondent to unwanted change, Miriam Neff will join us. She says encouraging words are so simple, so relational, so easy to give—and yet we often hold back. Receive encouragement to encourage someone else—it just might make a difference in their life and yours. Hear it on Chris Fabry Live.

Praying for Someone Who is Suffering

July 21, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​“I’ll be praying for you!” Ever hear that? Ever say that and mean it—but then not know what to pray? Author and speaker Nancy Guthrie wants to come alongside and help you pray for the struggling friend or coworker or family member. She believes one of the best things we can pray for each other is scriptural truth. Praying the Bible for someone who’s suffering—it’s coming up on Chris Fabry Live.

Taken at Birth

July 20, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​It’s an incredible story. From the 1940s through the 1960s, young pregnant women entered the front door of a clinic in a small North Georgia town. Sometimes their babies went out the back door, sold to desperate couples. Jane Blasio was one of those babies. She has investigated what happened to her and many others and is telling the story. Don’t miss Chris Fabry Live.

Farmer Friday: Moving to the Country

July 16, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

It’s back—the Farmer Friday feature on Chris Fabry Live! And the question of the day is: what happened when you moved to the farm? Many are leaving urban settings for a more rural setting--land spreading out far and wide. Room for crops, chickens, pigs, a horse, maybe a sheep or a goat, even a cow! You’ll hear author and speaker York Moore’s story--don’t miss a Farmer Friday edition of Chris Fabry Live.

Redeemed by Christ

July 15, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Alia is a survivor of underage sex trafficking and adult sexual exploitation. We’ll walk through the difficult years of abuse that led her down some dark roads. Alia had a friend who had escaped the world she was in—and through a series of events she found freedom through the love of Jesus Christ. Don’t miss Alia’s story on Chris Fabry Live. OnWatch Free Training Video mentioned

Waiting on God

July 14, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Does it sometimes feel like everybody else is reaching their goals and fulfilling their dreams but you’re not? Heather Thompson Day says you don’t have to live in a constant state of comparison. There’s something you can do for your heart in the waiting that will cultivate contentment and patience. You might even find yourself rejoicing at someone else’s success. Don’t miss the conversation on Chris Fabry Live.

The Magic Carpet Ride

July 13, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

The video shows it all. It's terrifying. People on the Magic Carpet Ride at a festival in Michigan are accelerating. Then something happens that destabilizes the ride and it looks like it's about to topple. Bystanders are horrified—but one person does something that changes the outcome of that event. It's actually a metaphor of our lives. Let's talk about it on Chris Fabry Live.

Children and Pornography

July 12, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Children and pornography. It’s not an easy topic, but if you’re a parent, it’s something you have to consider. On Chris Fabry Live, if the statistics are true, there’s an epidemic among the next generation. So how do you help your child or teenager understand the effects of pornography? If your child has stumbled across something online, what’s the best way to handle that? Hear practical answers, on Chris Fabry Live.

Road Trip

July 09, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

We have a fun, Friday topic for you on the next Chris Fabry Live. We're going on a road trip. To a childhood vacation. When you were young, where did you go with your family and what did you do when you got there? Who did you see? Was there a gas station or a souvenir shop you had to visit every year? Or a favorite hot dog stand? It's a road trip Friday coming up on the next Chris Fabry Live.

A Blended Summer

July 08, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Our correspondent to the blended family, Ron Deal, is back for Chris Fabry Live. We’ll talk about “A Blended Summer.” This is the time of year when children switch households and spend a few weeks with the other biological parent. Ron will give some helpful tips for navigating life between two households. If you have a question about your blended family, we’d love to hear from you, on Chris Fabry Live. 

The Life of William Borden

July 07, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Step back in time on Chris Fabry Live as we look at another fascinating person from history. Have you heard the name, William Borden? He was a wealthy young man who surrendered his life to service to Christ. He only lived 25 years, but you'll be encouraged by his devotion and dedication to bringing others the message of the Gospel. Hear about "Borden of Yale" on Chris Fabry Live. "Beacon-Light" Book Trailer

The Making of C. S. Lewis

July 06, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​When someone moves from atheism to Christianity, it’s a seismic shift. Hear about the transformation that happened to a man named Clive. After World War I, he began his studies at Oxford and it was there that he underwent his radical conversion. Hear about the far-reaching effects of the faith and writing of Clive Staples Lewis on Chris Fabry Live.

You Really Can Change

July 05, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

"​You’ll never change." "Christianity doesn’t work for someone like you." If you’ve heard those accusations, don’t miss this "Best of Chris Fabry Live." Teaching pastor and CEO of Living on the Edge Chip Ingram says that change is possible. You don’t have to stay defeated or spiritually stuck. Get out of the “try hard, do good—fail” cycle. Hear Chip Ingram on Chris Fabry Live.

Faith Stories from the American Revolution

July 02, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​As we celebrate this holiday weekend, we are inspired by the lives of others. Stories of people who respond to injustice with courage and faith encourage us to do the same. Guest host Collin Lambert talks with presidential historian Jane Hampton Cook, who takes us to the days of America’s quest for Independence to hear the voices of those who founded and fought to create the United States of America. Join us for Chris Fabry Live.

Fourth of July Memories

July 01, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

What is your favorite Fourth of July memory? What screams that holiday to you? Guest host Collin Lambert wants to hear your Fourth of July memories. Maybe it’s cheering at a parade, eating cotton candy and funnel cake at the local carnival. The fireworks and glow sticks. The cookout with your family. Share your July 4 celebration memories on Chris Fabry Live.

Your Reason to Move

June 30, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Seems like a lot of people are moving these days. I wonder why? You’ll find out on Chris Fabry Live as we talk about your moving experience. Are you leaving where you’re living because you’re frustrated, or are you moving for a different purpose? A new job, be closer to family? Has remote work opened an opportunity of living elsewhere? Why are you moving and where are you going? Join us for Chris Fabry Live.

Cycling for Gold

June 28, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​When she was four years old, Amber slipped into a coma from spinal meningitis. Doctors told her parents she probably would not survive, and if she did she would have brain damage. Amber Neben joins us to talk about what’s happened in the intervening years. Here’s a hint—Amber is headed to her third Olympic games. Don’t miss the encouragement and inspiration on Chris Fabry Live.

Heavenly Radio

June 25, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Our topic is heavenly radio. Will there be interview programs in heaven? If so, who would you want Chris to have on his celestial broadcast and what would you want him to ask that guest? It could be a biblical character—someone from history—you provide the guest and the question on our next Chris Fabry Live.

The Cost of My Faith

June 24, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Jack owns a bakery. He makes cakes. And one day he said no to a customer about making a specific cake. That decision led to a court case that went all the way to the Supreme Court. Jack Phillips joins us to answer the question, “Why not just make the cake?” He wants his story to inspire you to live out your faith. Don’t miss the conversation on Chris Fabry Live.


June 23, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​If you feel like what you’ve been called to in life is impossible to accomplish, don’t miss Chris Fabry Live. Author, teacher, and military missionary Megan Brown will take us to the book of Esther. She’ll help us discover truths about this Old Testament figure whose life speaks to us today. We’ll also give good news about a military ministry Megan leads.

It Happened in the Parking Lot

June 22, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​It happened in the parking lot. We want to hear your answer to the question, “What happened in the parking lot?” Last week we heard the story of a man who waited 10 hours in a parking lot to show love and kindness to his daughter. Maybe something good happened to you that you’d like others to hear. The story you tell might encourage someone in a parking lot, next time on Chris Fabry Live.

The Peace Project

June 21, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Do you feel unsettled, anxious and exhausted? Author and speaker Kay Wyma has a practical 30-day challenge she says can lead to transformation. She calls it “The Peace Project,” and it’s designed to help you see yourself and others through God’s eyes. It’s an experiment with thankfulness, kindness, and mercy. Don’t miss Chris Fabry Live.

Reminders of Dad

June 18, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

When you see this object, you think of one person. Your dad. What is the item, the object that is the perfect reminder of your father? Is it his work gloves, a chisel he used, a catcher’s mitt, his favorite chair—or some other item you still have? Reminders of dad—don’t miss Chris Fabry Live.

Midnight Dad Moments

June 17, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Calling all dads! Dads, what keeps you up late? As a father, what’s the struggle you have a hard time fully giving to God? Is it relational—a situation with your children? Is it about provision—you don’t know how you’re going to provide like you want to? Tell us your midnight dad moment—then hear encouragement from a father/daughter duo. It’s coming up on Chris Fabry Live.

Bible Q & A: God as Father

June 16, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Look at how great a love the Father has given us that we should be called God’s children. We’re going to talk about God as our Father in heaven with two dads, the two Michaels! Dr. Michael Rydelnik and Dr. Michael Vanlaningham will discuss this liberating biblical truth—that you have an Abba, a Daddy in heaven. Don’t miss the encouragement on Chris Fabry Live. 

The Way of the Father

June 15, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​He grew up in a little town in West Virginia and became a Grammy and Dove Award Winning singer and songwriter. Michael W. Smith will talk about the ways his own father, Paul Smith, inspired and encouraged him. His earthly dad taught him deep lessons about the unconditional love of his Heavenly Father. Hear Michael W. Smith on Chris Fabry Live.

Lament for a Father

June 14, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Father’s Day is next Sunday—and Monday, you’ll hear about Marvin’s dad. Marvin played catch with his father, Eli, only one time. And it didn’t end well. Eli never laughed and rarely spoke with his son. Now, journalist Marvin Olasky has uncovered the true story of what made his dad so distant. A lament for a father is coming up on Chris Fabry Live.

Unforgettable Shoes

June 11, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

The shoes you’ll never forget. Ever own a special pair of shoes that are unforgettable? They could have been a gift to you. Or they might be someone else’s shoes. Your father’s work boots or your grandma’s slippers. You’ll hear about a high school graduate who forgot to wear dress shoes. Don’t miss that story and more on Chris Fabry Live.

What's So Amazing About Grace?

June 10, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

It’s the one thing the world cannot duplicate but craves above all else—the amazing grace of God. Bestselling author Philip Yancey returns to talk about what grace in action looks like. If Christians are dispensers of the grace we’ve received, how are we doing at that? Hear Philip Yancey on Chris Fabry Live.

The Sacred Search

June 09, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Are you looking for a mate? Are you on a spouse search? Gary Thomas has some questions for you. What if it’s not about who you marry, but why you marry? What if dating isn’t about finding “the one,” but making a wise choice so you can better serve the One who loves you most? Transform the way you look at romantic relationships on Chris Fabry Live.

The Secret to Succeeding at Tough Conversations

June 08, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​When you get in a difficult conversation, do you retreat from the truth to keep things nice? We live in a culture that doesn’t want to hear the truth. Author and military chaplain Charles Causey says our world desperately needs the truth now more than ever. Don’t run from tough conversations—learn to speak the truth in love. Find out how on Chris Fabry Live.

Out of the Bubble

June 07, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​There’s an open invitation and a seat for you at the table on Chris Fabry Live. Our correspondent to getting out of the bubble, Jan Silvious, has been on a journey of late. For the past couple of years, Jan’s eyes have been opened to the spiritually wandering and hungry who aren’t overseas but right next door. If you have the bread of life, will you share it? Don’t miss Chris Fabry Live.

A Theology of Making

May 27, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​He’s an award winning author and artist, founder of the Fujimura Institute, and on Chris Fabry Live, Makoto Fujimura will join us to talk about art and faith. He looks at spiritual questions through the prism of art. And he believes that in making something we begin to understand the depth of God’s being and grace. Art and Faith—don’t miss Chris Fabry Live.

Gun Lap

May 26, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​At a point near the end of a race, a pistol fires signaling the gun lap. Author and speaker Robert Wolgemuth will talk about running your race with perseverance. You may think you’re too old to run fast, but you’re not too old to run well. How do you stay in your race and run with purpose? Find out on Chris Fabry Live.

What Are You Celebrating?

May 25, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​It’s time to celebrate! We’re going to celebrate a song written 20 years ago. Find out what it is, then, what are you celebrating and how will you celebrate? Maybe you’re at the end of a long school year or you’re graduating with a degree. Maybe you’re ending your chemo treatments or you’ve found that job you’ve been looking for. Big, small, or in-between, what are you celebrating? Don’t miss Chris Fabry Live. Sing! Global 2021

Bless Your Pastor

May 24, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​He's on a 100-city tour with one goal in mind. Author and speaker Brian Kluth will join us with the sole purpose of encouraging your pastor. The pandemic distanced many congregations. Many have struggled to keep people connected. What can you do to make a little difference in the life of your pastor and that ministry family? Don't miss it on Chris Fabry Live. Blessings Tour Experience God's Love for You

Radio Connections

May 21, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​When have you made a connection with someone on the radio? We’ll talk about that genuine, heart-to-heart connection you make. Liz Curtis Higgs knows about that. She was in radio for years and in her speaking and writing she makes those kinds of connections with people far and wide. She has a radio story, Chris has his—don’t miss the fun or the Fabulous Fabry Friday Sigh on Chris Fabry Live.

Honoring Stepparents

May 20, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​We are in that period between Mother's Day and Father's Day—and on the next Chris Fabry Live we'll talk about issues of honoring your step parent. Our correspondent to the blended family, Ron Deal, will help us understand the complex dynamics going on in children and adults. What are realistic expectations in a blended family? Don't miss Chris Fabry Live. Article: Stepmother's Day Article: Dear Stepmom, Please Celebrate Mother's Day

The Relationally Intelligent Child

May 19, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Many parents worry they will make the same mistakes as their own parents. They’ll pass along the dysfunction of their family of origin. Is that you? Dr. John Trent and Dr. Dewey Wilson say you don’t have to repeat those mistakes. You can raise a relationally intelligent child. But how do you do that? You’ll hear answers coming up on Chris Fabry Live.

Hope in the Holy Land

May 18, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​If you’ve seen the news from the Middle East, you know Israel is under attack and has struck Palestinian targets. Our two guests have produced a new film that seeks to bring understanding about the conflict. What can we learn about Israeli-Palestinian relations when both sides are allowed to speak for themselves? Hope in the Holy Land—that’s our topic on Chris Fabry Live.

Hey, Chris!

May 14, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​Hey, Chris! That’s how we want you to start your phone call when you dial us at the Radio Backyard Fence. Give us some news from your part of the world. Maybe you found Susie’s missing hamster? Did you get the lawn mower started that everybody had given up on? Perhaps it was something in nature you saw and you want to share it with some friends. It’s a stress-relieving exercise at the end of the week. Join us for Chris Fabry Live.

Searching for Grace

May 13, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

​There seems to be an unlimited amount of anxiety in the world these days. Maybe you have a little of that in your life. Are you weary? Burned out? We’ll hear from two guests about the soul’s search for true rest. Russ Masterson and his mentor, Scotty Smith, are searching for grace in the middle of the tension and struggle. Hear the conversation with them on Chris Fabry Live.

Brave by Faith

May 12, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

If you need truth for life, don’t miss Bible teacher and pastor Alistair Begg on Chris Fabry Live. We’re living in a society that doesn’t like what Christians believe, say, or do. It’s easy to live in anger or keep our heads down or simply give up. What does it look like to live in joyful confidence in Christ? The Book of Daniel has some help for us—and you’ll hear about that on the next Chris Fabry Live. Article: "Welcome to Exile. It's Going to Be Okay."