Hello everyone, I hope your year has gone well! Can you believe it is almost over?! Well, this podcast episode is my way of following up with you on a personal level. It is a re-cap of 2015, and expectations for 2016, and to thank you for your support! I hope you will continue to listen and share the 21st Century Hannah content in 2016!


In this episode, I also discuss how to interact with mothers, how to deal with people who say silly things about childless women, and how to maintain your identity as a woman who is childless and or husband-less. Many times when people recognize we are single and childless, especially as we get older; they think we have no life and that we do not really have a schedule that can be imposed upon. That is not the case! In this episode I remind you that you are a family unit in and of yourself. You are NOT a second class citizen. Create a schedule and make sure people respect you and your schedule!   


I would like to take this time to thank Edmund Bullock (he's my brother-in-law) for the music you hear at the beginning and ending of my episodes. Edmund is a talented musician who comes from a very long line of talented musicians. If you would like to contact him, do so at  [email protected].

Remember, you may always contact me at:

 [email protected] 

Facebook at booksbycivillamorgan

Twitter @civilla1

Instagram @civilla1

Pinterest Civillam

I look forward to even more interaction in 2016!