It was truly a great opportunity to obtain this interview with Donald Brant. This is our first ever interview where childlessness not by choice is discussed from and with a man's point of view. 

In listening to this interview you will find that although men may typically not show their emotions, they of course have the same feelings we women do. We all know there are men and women who opted not to have children. But just as there are women who wanted but could not have children, there are men who wanted but did not have children.

I believe you will find as I did, that this interview was educational on many different levels. It was quite interesting to learn about life in a different country, as well.  

This interview was originally done in video form. So some of the conversation will sound like we are seeing each other, and that is because we are. I hope you will enjoy this interview.

And feel free to let me know what you think. I have posted Donald's information below.  Below his contact information, is my information.

Thanks again for listening.  It is appreciated!


Donald Brant's information: is his blab show. For those not familiar with blab, it is a video platform for interviews and conversations, produced by Twitter, which means you can sign in with your Twitter credentials. Donald Brant also has a YouTube Channel.


My information:

[email protected]

Twitter @civilla1

Instagram @civilla1