Before the Global Pandemic hit, we all lived crazy, busy lives. From getting the kids to school, to running errands for our business, to maintaining a healthy work-life balance at home, it was difficult to find time to replenish our soul. With all the time at home this past year, many of us have deepened our walk with God. However, now that the world is slowly going back to “normal”, it’s essential that we keep our daily devotion with the Holy Spirit. 


This week, I am talking with Jennifer Hayes Yates about seeking God first in all that we do. Jennifer Hayes Yates is a wife, mama, writer, and speaker with an empty nest and a Southern accent. Having taught in Christian education for twenty-two years, she has a passion for communicating God’s truth and inspiring busy women to grow their faith one quiet moment with Jesus at a time.


Jennifer is now a blogger, best-selling author, and passionate speaker. Lover of all things Jesus, books, and coffee, she can be found in quiet corners or busy spaces, sipping lattes, studying commentaries, and chatting up strangers.

But she’s still just a small-town girl hoping to glorify God in all she writes and make a few disciples along the way.

As we discuss the importance of focusing on our relationship with God, Jennifer shares with us why Spiritual self-care is more important than simply going to the spa to unwind. Jennifer walks us through various scriptures to encourage us on our Faith Journey and how to create time with God. 


Topics Discussed:

How to connect with our bibles 15 minutes at a time Learning how to surrender to God Real soul care is starving the flesh and feeding your spirit  Recognizing Proverbs 31 as principles rather a “perfect” woman to idolize Learning how to walk in the spirit in an authentic way  Teaching people how to mature and grow in our faith Adjusting quiet time with the lord during a global pandemic  Learning how to be intentional about growing from where you are  Focusing on the relationship with God rather than a ritualistic routine  Recognizing that a daily devotional is only a starting point  The importance of accountability and community  Getting creative with our quiet time with the lord 


Connect with Jennifer Hayes Yates:


Website:  Facebook:  Facebook Group: Instagram:


Connect with Rebecca Stewart:


Website: Facebook:  Instagram:  YouTube: 



About Cheering Past Challenges Podcast:

Cheering Past Challenges is a community of individuals seeking to overcome past and current trauma by seeking spiritual solutions.


Join Host, Rebecca Stewart, as she shares her journey of taking care of her mother with Schizophrenia. By focusing on Mental Health & Wellness, Rebecca offers insight on how to care for your loved ones during the most difficult moments of their lives. 


About Unbinding Love:

“Bring purpose to your life.”


Unbinding Love is a Christian Non-Fiction book that aims to provide hope for the caregiver/family member of someone who has Schizophrenia. 


It is a heart guide of how to put yourself back on the to-do list, make the right priorities, and find yourself again so that you can thrive in your caregiving and bring purpose to your life.

Visit to learn more!