In this episode of Cheaper than Therapy the Podcast, we sat down with Alexandra Ballensweig to discuss modern dating, the importance of approaching dating with awareness and slowness, and the drawbacks of online dating and dating apps. Alexandra Ballensweig is the founder of HumHum (short for human to human) a dating experience for people seeking meaningful and authentic connection with others, while simultaneously discovering themselves. Alexandra is a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, and practitioner trained in the Usui Method, and a Vipassana practitioner. She holds an M.S. of Industrial Design from Art Center College of Design and is currently enrolled in the Dedicated Practitioner’s Program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center.

🌟  Some Big Takeaways from this Episode:

Slow Down: Bringing stillness to dating in order to not only find authentic connection in relationship with another person, but authentic connection in relationship with Self, too Be a Human: People are not meant to exist in a 2D online dating snapshot, and should be in person, authentically connecting with others face to face about what lights our souls on fireKick the Addiction: Recognizing that dating apps are created to not only create an addiction around constantly searching for the “next best thing,” but an addiction around “being chosen” and seeking external validation rather than validation from Self

🎙 This podcast is definitely Cheaper than Therapy

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