This episode we were blessed to have the wonderful company of...

Laura Boanas!

Laura is owner of her own business, "Hello Moon Creative"

Getting to know Laura..

Laura is a tattoo artist based in Redcar, Cleveland UK. She is massively into anime and all things nerdy. She is also a massive fan of Lord of the Rings. She loves dogs and cheese, but hates pies! She likes to travel, and has an affinity for Japan, and hopes to be able to travel there again some day. 

Lauras main focus of tattoos are anime, but she also provides a mix such as Disney, pop culture and traditional Japanese styles - specialising on colour and dot work. She finds that providing a tattoo session can be a bit like a therapy session - possibly due to the intimate nature of being tattooed. 

Before being a tattoo artist, she used to work as a legal secretary in a criminal defence law firm. She describes it as the worst job she's ever had - absolutely destroying her mental health. Generally this involved working with suspected criminals on a daily basis, and being spoken to very poorly with zero respect. 

She has always loved tattoos, but making the leap into being a tattoo artist was a difficult process. Laura has always struggled with confidence, and the pressure of providing a good piece on somebody was a massive challenge for her. 

As well as the online business where Laura sells various merchandise, she also collaborates with another artist to sell custom pins. 

When asked how she manages to do all this, she says that unfortunately how she does this is that she doesn't sleep much. She describes this as something she is currently working with. She is currently trying to do more work on her social life and spend less of her energy on her work. When you listen to her daily day routine, it's no surprise that she intends to do this!

Give it a Go!

For Give it a Go, Laura recommends bubble baths, long walks, and good cardio sessions. 

Laura currently still uses the treadmill and cross trainer, but explains how she will dance on the cross trainer. 

Laura is kind enough to explain her bubble bath technique: 

Run the hot tap until it is at its hottest. When filling, pour in a "good slug" of bubble bath. "Gjush" it really aggressively until you have a good level of water (about up to wrist level)Swill the water to make sure you have a good spread of bubbles, and that the bubbles aren't just forming under the tap.Continue the Gjush/Swill technique repeatedly so that fresh bubbles continue to form under the taps. Note that as the bath fills, the Gjush/Swill needs to also rise to keep agitating the higher level of the water. 

Another fantastic tip for good vibes and lifting the soul is a good bit of dancing. Laura explains how she will "aggressive dance to anything" whether it is a bit of Seal, or Savage Garden, another of her favourites. 

Mentions in the Episode

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