
Last time I talked about my diet, and the many different fads I try. I have been trying to eat a bit healthier which is going okay, but it hasn’t been perfect. I think for me the key is to allow myself some treat-ish days – where I’m allowed to get a Jacket Potato or something. Then it makes the days where I eat really healthy not seem so bad. 
As far as exercise though I’ve been doing well. It’s been pretty active the last few weeks – we’ve turned up a couple of dials in the Tang Soo do classes, and also, we’ve been doing a bit of decorating in the house and working on decorating the back yard


9th June was the Open day at Northern Guild – it was absolutely brilliant. Absolutely great people. 
In a couple weeks’ time I am invited to go to an introduction to training day at the Northern Guild so that will probably be the next steps for me.
I’ve got a safeguarding course I need to do, so I’ll let you know how that goes. 
Plus, I had Tim Heale on, and he told me about the mental health first aid coursed so I’m going to be looking at one of those to do too.

My Mental Health

Last time we had done a bit of a walk, and a bit of work painting the back yard. Recently we’ve done more work to that, I’ve been putting some trellis up and hanging pots and making it look pretty, plus the wife has been busy staining pallets and planting things and it looks awesome. 
We’ve got one of those hanging egg chairs in the kitchen, and it’s only a small back yard but you can sit there and look out and see the baby conifer we’ve got planted and the bees on the lavender and it’s really good for my mental health to just be in the moment and soak the back yard up. 

Physical Health

As far as physical health is concerned – I’m doing pretty good. Drinking more water, and as I’ve said I’ve turned the TSD classes up a notch, and like the last few weeks I’ve been getting around a 1400 calorie burn from 1:15 which is awesome. 

ESO on Xbox. 

I’m still level 41! I just haven’t had any time to play really the last few weeks as I’ve been doing other things. But hopefully I’ll get chance to get back into that soon. 

What am I watching?
On Netflix currently me and the wife are going through Gilmore Girls.
We are up to speed on Stranger Things that is intense. Looking forward to 1st July for 2nd part
Also, on Disney+ we have finished Obi Wan. I really liked it but some parts were a bit meh. 
Ms Marvel we’ve also been watching on Disney+. I like it, it’s quite “teenager” but that’s obviously the target audience but I do quite like it. 

Final Thoughts?

May all beings be free of suffering. May I maintain my faith. With reality there is no division.May nothing & nobody be excluded.May I remember to include myself.May I remember that all thoughts, words,

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