Last week I sold my big, inefficient car and I picked up the much cheaper and efficient hybrid. I absolutely love it! So that’s going to be saving me some money which will help towards my Diploma in Therapy / Conselling. 

I’ve recently been going through the prospectus for my local college, and I’ll be attending the open day next Thursday so I’m really looking forward to hearing what they’ve got to say. 

Discord is very slowly building we got one new member last week, but I think it’s going to be a while before people are able to take full advantage of it. 

Future Guests
As of today we have 1 confirmed guest, and about 3 that are not far off being confirmed. The confirmed one will be on the 10th June and that will be our good friend Hermes Auslander and possibly Theron too, both from the Scuttlebutt Podcast. Do check that podcast out. You’ll see details of the other upcoming ones as and when I am able to confirm dates. 

I am also going to be a guest on a couple of episodes. Two confirmed dates now are the 20th June I’ll be guesting on the Saving Brothers podcast, so shoutout to those. Saving Brothers is a mental health podcast so be sure to check that out. 

On 8th July I’ll be guesting on GEMS with Genesis Amaris Kemp which is a lovely little 30minute podcast which pretty much chats about anything and everything so be sure to check that out. 

My Mental Health
On the whole I’ve been mostly fine this week. I had a bit of high following the changeover of cars. Yesterday I had a mini-slump where I’d got myself worked up about trying to fit everything in, but Tuesday is my training day and THAT SEEMED TO HELP A LOT. Plus I got a pretty good bill of health from my GP saying I’m in fairly good shape so that was good to hear. I think yesterday and today though I’ve been experiencing a bit of anxiety with relation to my physical health which is interesting so maybe I’ll have to keep an eye on that. 

Also it’s now Jubilee time so were enjoying having the Thursday and Friday off so no doubt I’ll be able to squeeze some ESO streaming in – but as a priority I think I really want to go out on a nice walk with the wife or do something nice with her to get out a bit. Maybe visit our local National Trust site Gibside for a nice walk along the river, something like that. Also Ingram Valley has been recommended so maybe we’ll try that. 

Physical Health
This is something that I really want to turn around now and do some more things with. My physical training has been on the back burner for a while other than my weekly training class, just getting pre-occupied / obsessed with the CGHD stuff and re-hashing things. So I really want to get back into that and maybe start doing some bitesize portions of daily training again – perhaps some yoga or

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